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The next day I was in my study working on some paperwork. I had been continuously getting distracted thinking about last night. Francis definitely swept her off her feet and Matthew and Alfred noticed. I did not hear the end of how pitiful I was. Francis didn't seem to care about it, since he didn't mean to do it on purpose. He was just trying to make me look better after seeing how nervous I was. I had music playing in the back and it didn't help me relax at all.

There was a quiet knock on the door and I looked up "come in..." I spoke. There was a long pause and it confused me. Suddenly the door opened slowly and I saw it was Francis.

I immediately straightened up and began to fix everything in my desk. "Ahhh!! Come in!! Please!" I spoke. I stood up and quickly urged him to sit in front of me. He closed the door behind him and began to walk towards the seat. "Thank you..." he spoke.

I quickly took a seat and began to fix my hair a little. "What can I help you with?" I asked. He looked around nervously and began to get something out of his pocket. "For... you..." he spoke slowly. He showed me a letter and placed it on the table. "Who is this from?" I asked confused.

His face was red and he didn't look me in the eyes. I turned the letter over and saw his name signed on it. "Lisez-le seul !!! Ne montrez à personne du tout !!" He spoke. He stood up suddenly and immediately walked out of my study. I lifted an eye brow confused but I just looked down to the letter. What was this?

I slowly began to open it and saw it was in English.

" Arthur.....
I'm sorry that I have to write to you like this. I just figured it would be private, and more better.
I want to say thank you for everything. You have been really nice to me. I have grown really fond of you, and would like to be close friends?
I used a dictionary to write this so I hope everything is fine.
I like you a lot and would love to hear back"

My eyes widened reading what he wrote. I held the letter up happy and began to hold it closer towards me. "Who knew I was such a softie for letters" I laughed.

Well! He deserves a response from me!! I should write back!

I stood up and began to go through my books trying to find a French dictionary. Luckily, I found an old version. I couldn't help but abandon my work to do this.

I felt my face get red as I sat down to write out what I wanted to say first.

"Dear Francis...
Thank you for your amazing letter! I feel the same way and would love to be friends with you. I think we can try and make this work for more private conversations.
I really like you a lot too"

I stopped writing to think. I had the feeling that I seemed too excited. I might have to dial back my feelings so he doesn't get a weird idea about me.

"I would like to get to know you.... Can you tell me about yourself? I will tell you a few things about myself too.."

I smiled at what I wrote and began to look through the dictionary to translate it for him. I had no idea why I was getting so excited over something this small. It was like Francis really had an impression on me and I wanted more of him.

Not in a weird way or anything!!!

He is just really nice and interesting.... He is very good looking , and has a nice smile, ahhh and his voice was really nice too. These are qualities that all friends noticed within each other. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt the same too!

I began to imagine him saying those things to me and instead of making it seem more better, it raised my body temperature. I began to slap my cheeks and shake the feeling away.

What was up with me?

I wanted to bang my head against the desk thinking about all of this. I just really liked him as a friend? Was that so bad?

I began to think about him even more and it made me want to shout to everyone with joy. We hardly had fully conversations it being around him made me happy. Now that he has given me this letter, I might die from joy and happiness.

If he were to be a woman though, I would really consider dating him. But he isn't a woman!! He is a man and men can't be with other men. Not that I want to be with him like that or anything, I'm just trying to say to myself that if he were a women.... I wouldn't be opposed to dating him.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and continued to translate the letter I wanted to give back to him. Maybe if I finish it soon, I can give him it later! Maybe we could even sit and drink tea together too! That would be amazing, and it would give us time to be alone together.

I just want him to know how much I appreciate him. Even if he might feel like he hasn't done anything for me in return. I still love to have him around. Alright know he will leave once reunited with his sister, I'd still want him to stay a little longer. Or maybe I can even give them some money to help them. Just out of kindness of course.

There is no deeper meaning! I just want to make sure that he is safe and well taken care of. For my sake at the very least.... What could go wrong.

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