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"Are you sure there is no other way sister?" I asked. "Francis, we can't stay in France any longer.... Our only choice is to go to England" my sister spoke. "But separately? What if something happens to you? I won't be there to help you" I said worried. "Don't worry about that....we will reunite in London, I promise" she spoke holding onto my face.

That was about two weeks ago..... I had been on my own a little after that. I had caught a boat ride across the English Channel and had arrived on land a week ago. Ever since then, I had been walking to London. It was a rough week... but I decided to stay in this small portion of wooded area. I didn't know at the time that there was a house nearby..... but I still decided to stay thinking no one would find me.

The last night I decided to stay in the area.... I made the dumb decision to leave the fire on. How was I supposed to know that some fancy Englishman would see it and come towards me.

He really scared the hell out of me too. When I opened my eyes he had just been sitting over me watching. I couldn't help but move away from him quickly. He kept staring at me with the most mesmerized look and it confused me.

The ride to his place was worse if I was going to be honest. I had no idea where he was taking me at first and I was terrified that he was going to kill me or have me turned into the police. I was very surprised that he even took me home and decided to take care of me?

However, once I finally got those clothes off of me and I took a bath, I was extremely grateful. I didn't know English too well but I managed to say a thank you to him for his kindness.

When Arthur left the room I began to slowly take my clothes off. I hadn't had a bath in so long that I felt myself tear up. I have no idea where my sister is and I was worried about her. What if she was in a similar situation and was still out there somewhere?

Tomorrow I should leave first thing and try and find out where she is at. I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep tonight thinking about all the danger she was in.

I looked myself in the mirror and saw how pale I looked. I didn't look the same like I used to. The only reason we left France, was because of money issues. We heard that London had lots of job opportunities and we wanted to find a place that would help us get on our feet.

Now that I think about where I was at..... I think that Arthur had wealthy connections. I mean the party he was at.... and then his home is crazy. Then..... the way he ordered everyone around like that down stairs. He had to be really wealthy?


"The man in the car said his last name... what was it?" I said allowed. "Kirk?.... Kurlr....?" What was it? "Kirk.......huh!!!! Kirkland!" I said realizing it.

That name was all too familiar though!!!

If he is who I think he is... that would mean that he isn't just some ordinary wealthy man!!! He was THE wealthy man. He had lots of oil production in America and Canada!!

He is worth billions!!!!

My eyes widened at this realization and I began to get into the tub. "Wait... didn't they say he is some crazy mean person?" I said allowed. He seemed nice to me earlier?

What if it was a front?

What if he is only doing it to get something out of me? I don't have anything to offer him back? What I'm earth was I supposed to do?

I felt myself begin to freak out and I started to aggressively wash my hair. No!!! He wouldn't ? I mean it's obvious I don't have much to offer.

I began to think about him.... The way he smiled at me... pulled me to follow him.... Touched my hand.... He seemed really nice about it.

I felt myself start to get embarrassed and I shoved my face into the water and began to scrub my face. No!!! What is wrong with me!!!! I shouldn't be thinking about him like that! I'm sure he was the type to find those things disgusting or something.

I know lots of people may find it gross to find out that men are attracted to other men. I mean.... I like both men and women so hiding it wasn't a problem for me. I've dated woman before but this is not the point!!!!

I can't just look at him a certain way... especially since he is such a powerful person. I could get in lots of trouble. It's best to leave as soon as possible to not dig a deeper hole for me.

I continued to wash myself and when I was finished I finally decided to get out. The air was cold against my skin, and I just quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and used the other one to dry my hair a little.

I must be ready for anything that might happen.

I grabbed a brush and began to quickly brush through my hair. Once I did, I went into the main room to finally get changed. I know I should go and look for him.... I just don't know exactly where he would be right now. I'm sure he told me, but I didn't understand anything he said.

I swear, maybe skipping my English lessons wasn't that smart..... it could have come in handy right about now. I wanted to bash my head into a wall from how stupid I was feeling right now.

What to do... what to do...

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