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Francis and I shopped for clothes for him the next day. Some people recognized me and wondered who he was, but I ignored their stares. They can think all they want about me, but the moment they cause problems for Francis is when I'll become cruel to anyone.

We walked around London and I took him to tailors and shoe shops. He was nervous at first about me spending money on him. I didn't see an issue since I had a lot anyways. It was just going to go to someone else if he didn't take me up on my offer.

The last place we were going to was a tailor place. I watched him as they did measurements on him again and I felt so happy. He looked so beautiful and sweet. I was endlessly falling into more adoration for him.


We had a couple people following behind us to carry our things. I looked over to Francis who looked down to his shoes. I'm sure everyone staring made him anxious. "Are you hungry?" I asked. He looked at me and I gestured eating. He slowly nodded his head and I turned around to my staff. "We are hungry, so we are going to stop and eat food... have the car ready for us, and the rest of you can take our things back home" I explained.

They all nodded and began to leave us alone. "Sorry... I just don't like being watched sometimes" I explained to Francis. I turned to him smiling and he just stared curiously. "Come with me" I spoke. I urged him to start following me and he did. I knew a perfect place to get lunch.

It was a French place so I was hoping he'd like the food there.  He smiled at the place I pointed too and my heart skipped a beat.

YES!!!! Double points for me!!

I held the door open for him and we both took a seat by the window. I smiled at him and we both waited for someone to approach us. "How are you?" I asked. I held a thumbs up and pointed to him and he understood. "Ahhh good!" He smiled.

His accent so thick and so cute! I loved when he spoke English. I thought it was the most cutest thing I had ever heard. I liked a lot of things about Francis.  The party was two days from now and I was really excited.

Francis and I still haven't heard news from his sister, but I hear that one of Alfred's friends might have found something. I haven't told him yet so he doesn't get his hopes up.

Once we finished eating, we took the car back to my home. I didn't say much to him the whole ride, but my mind was being flooded. I wasn't sure exactly why I was feeling this way for him.

I wasn't in love with him or anything. He was definitely a good friend to me and although there was a language barrier, I still enjoyed his company. I found him incredibly attractive and loved the letters he would write to me. I definitely loved him as a friend.... But deep down I think there was more to it than that.

As we got out of the car and walked beside each other up the stairs he suddenly stopped me. "Arthur....for you...." He spoke. I lifted an eyebrow confused and he began to take something out of his pocket. It was another letter...

He handed it to me slowly with a smile on his face and he suddenly began to walk away quickly. The letter felt a little more thicker than usual and I stared at it curiously.

I walked into the manor and immediately walked up to my study so I could be alone to read the letter. Why did he basically run away from me?  I looked to the back of the letter and it had his name signed as usual, but this time there was a heart......

My eyes widened and immediately began to run towards my study. I quickly closed and locked the door behind me and I sat against the door. I began to open the note and it was really long? What did he just give me?

June 13, 1920

"I may not be skilled in expressing my feelings in words, but all I want to tell you is that my love for you is forever and unconditional. Whenever you look into my eyes, you would know what you mean to me.

Before going to bed every night, you are the last person I think about because without your thoughts, my day is incomplete.

There is something so special about you that always attracts me towards you. When you are around, I feel so weak on my knees and lose my ability to think. It is the magic of your love that is having such an effect on me.

This might be a lot to take in, but I'd rather die than regret ever telling you how I really feel. I don't want you to feel disgusted with me or hate me, so if the feeling is unrequited, is there a way that we can forget about this?

Would there be a way to go on with our lives ignoring what I just said?

I've loved you against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be....

Something like this shouldn't be kept hidden, nor should it be left unsaid...

With great love, Francis"


My eyes widened reading everything he wrote and I felt my body feel light. I should feel disgusted by this... like any man should. However, I didn't find it gross at all. I found it strangely sweet and adoring. It just made me wish he could say this to me in person. However, that won't happen for a long time.

I held the letter close to my chest and began to breath out heavily. "Maybe it was more than just platonic" I spoke to myself.

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