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I began to help put out the fire and he grabbed his things to follow me. "Vous n'allez pas me tuer, n'est-ce pas?" He spoke. I lifted an eyebrow at him confused. "Sorry... I don't know what you are saying... but just come with me," I spoke. I grabbed his hand and began to pull him towards the direction of their house so we can catch a ride back home. I'm sure Matthew and Alfred wouldn't care that much if I just left early.

As we got closer, there were fewer and fewer things to cover us. I didn't want people to see him and ask questions, so I just needed to hurry up and find the car. "This way..." I looked at him. He looked at me, confused but still followed me.

When we managed to make it to the front, I began to wave down the car I came in. My driver saw me and quickly began to pull the car up. "You will be safe, don't worry" I smiled to him. He kept staring at me with this soft expression and it made me feel a little hot to the face.

"Mr. Kirkland? The party isn't over yet?"
"Yes I know, but this man here... he is coming home with us..."
"Who is that?"
"No one of your concern ... I'm sorry.... But I need you to take us home early" I spoke. The driver nodded at me and I gestured for Francis to get into the car.

"Où allons-nous?" Francis whispered. I smiled at him reassuringly and he sat beside me in the car. "Alright, take us home" I spoke. The driver nodded at me and began to drive. Luckily it wasn't too far.... So we would be home soon.

I looked over to Francis and he looked externally nervous. I didn't know how else to reassure him at all. I slowly reached my hand over to his and placed it on him gently. He looked at me surprised and I smiled at him sweetly. Hopefully he will understand that I just wanted to help.

It took some time, but once we arrived to my place, I quickly stepped out of the vehicle and rushed to where Francis was. "Come on, it's okay" I spoke. He nodded at me slowly and soon began to follow behind me.

Maids rushed over to us and offered us some water. Some looked at him confused. We walked up the steps and the maids began to take our coats. "Can someone bring a change of clothes for my friend and prepare a room please" I began to demand.

"Right away sir"
"Oh, and can you tell the kitchen to prepare a small meal? And then get the bath ready" I ordered around. Everyone nodded at me and began to quickly hurry and get everything ready.

I looked over to Francis looked around shocked. He must really be homeless. I wish I invested time to learning French. I didn't think I needed it that much. English, Spanish, Italian..... I would have been perfect for. French always made my brain hurt for some reason.

" Arthur .... The room will be ready very soon" one of the maids spoke. I nodded at her and I began to pull Francis along. "What about the clothes and bath?" I asked. "Yes!! We are starting the bath and they have towels ready for....uhhhh.... Your friend?" She said confused looking at him. "Thank you.... I appreciate your hard work" I smiled at her.

She led me to the room and I could see multiple maids getting everything ready. It was sometimes odd being able to just say something and people will do it.... But I guess I'm used to it.

Francis looked around and I gestured for everyone to leave the room. "Listen..... you smell really bad and need to shower" I said pointing the the bathroom. He got the hint and nodded in agreement. "Here are your clothes and towels..." I showed him.

I walked with him to the bathroom and he saw that everything he needed was ready for him. "Thank you..." he spoke in a heavy accent. I smiled at him softly and nodded my head. "Of course..... let me know if you need me" I spoke.

He still looked at me confused but I knew I was going to come back in twenty minutes to check on him. I didn't know how I was going to talk to him, but I'm sure someone around here knows French.

I smiled at him one last time before walking away from him and towards the door. As I opened it, I saw a bunch of the maids waiting outside and I looked at them shocked. "Yes?" I asked.

"Oh!!! We will get back to work!" One of them said and rushed away. It seemed to make everyone else disburse too. As they all left it made me laugh a little bit. I knew they were just curious about what was going on.

I was just going to change right now and come back later to check on him. Hopefully he doesn't escape or something... I mean he isn't trapped here, but it would definitely be odd for him to just leave like that.

I walked into my room and began to undo my tie that was terribly crooked. I began to take out my lounge wear and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I couldn't believe that I mistook him for a woman.... And I thought he was beautiful. I'm Such an idiot!!!!

I began to bang my hands against my head and I messed up my hair. This was too much for me? Why was this bothering me so much? He was an attractive man I guess......

But I only think so in a friendly way....


All men get those thoughts about other men!!

He is just a good looking man and I am just helping him.... No deeper meaning or anything like that.

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