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As usual, the dinner went smoothly last night. Now today, I had to get through this party. I was going to meet some available women, and I needed to make a good impression. I ensured my hair looked good and my clothes looked straight and clean. "Arthur, the car is ready when you are," a maid spoke. "I'll be down right now," I explained.

I breathed out, a little frustrated seeing how crooked my tie was, but I decided to ignore it. "Okay, let's hurry then," I spoke. I began to walk out of my room and was again bombarded with questions and responses. It was overwhelming sometimes, but ..... I mean, it's better than not being able to afford anything. So I hold onto my oil company very hard.

"Mr. Kirkland, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Jones are asking if you are still coming tonight?"
"Yes! I thought I told those idiots yes!" I said, annoyed. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the maid. "Don't worry, love, and I'm not mad at you..... just them for not listening to me," I spoke. The maid laughed nervously and began to walk away quickly.

Where do I begin to describe those two brothers, Matthew and Alfred?

They were distant cousins of mine, for starters.....they inherited lots of wealth from their side of the family, and they are the ones hosting the party tonight. Matthew owns a few marketplaces, and they've done a pretty good job maintaining their wealth. They don't do much in lines of work, but they invest a lot; Alfred is brilliant about it.

However...... living in America and Canada for a portion of their lives must have made them stupid. Well, I guess not entirely... They help a lot when I need them. I think they do childish things sometimes.

They always bug me about staying with me for some time. I always say no to them because they would annoy me the whole time. However, I know they will bother me again, and I might be unable to refuse this time.

I walked downstairs to the car and sat in the back seat. "Hello, Mr. Kirkland... To the Williams manor?"
"Ahh, yes, please, they would lose their heads if I didn't show up early," I spoke, rolling my eyes. He nodded, and I looked out the window as they began to drive.

London was such a sight... I wonder what it will look like fifty years from now...

When I arrived at their home, lots of people ran to welcome me. I stepped out of the car, and many of their maids surrounded me to ensure I didn't need anything. "Can you let them know I am here?" I spoke. Most of them nodded and ran back inside to alert Alfred and Matthew.

I began to walk up the steps to their place, and I suddenly saw Alfred run out of the front doors. "Arthur! We called to make sure you didn't back out last second," he laughed. He was such a loud person... I blame his excitement.

"Yeah... That's why I showed up early and knew I wouldn't hear the end of it... Now, where is Matthew?" I asked. I began to walk closer to him, and I held out my hand for him. However, Alfred just pulled me into a hug.

"I hope you don't hug all your guests..."
"Arthur... Don't be so proper... We are family technically," he smiled at me. Alfred began to pull me inside, and I saw Matthew sitting by the radio. "What is going on?" Alfred asked. "It says that women got the right to vote in America!" Matthew said, shocked. "Huh?! Really?" Alfred spoke, shocked.

That was a big deal... in England, only certain women could start voting about two years ago in 1918. "Wow... good for them," Matthew said, surprised. "Huh? Good? What if they vote for someone crazy?" Alfred said, worried. "Huh...... don't men do that anyway," Matthew laughed. Alfred began to think about it for a second and agreed. "Huh... I guess you are right."

"Anyway!Arthur! It's great to have you here so early. Now might be best to tell you that we invited three women you might be interested in."
"Matthew, you didn't have to."
"No!!! But it was more Alfred's idea..... he wants you to get married already."
"Huh?! I'm still young!"
"You are hitting your late twenties! So maybe you should try and talk to women?" Alfred jumped in. I took a deep breath out, annoyed, and shrugged my shoulders. "Fine!!! But if they don't work out, it isn't my fault," I said, annoyed.

Matthew began to put on some music, and he started to dance to it a little. "Alfred invited some "flappers" tonight... So be prepared," Matthew said, pretending to dance like one. "Hmmm? Interesting," I said, looking at Alfred.

"What?!! It would be way more fun," he laughed. "I'm guessing it's an American thing?" I asked. "Nope!! They are here too! I'm surprised you haven't seen any yet! Probably because all you do is work," Alfred teased.

"For a good reason too!!"
"Ahhh!!! Arthur, the war is over!!! There won't be another war like that again, and people are thriving and happy right now!!! Just enjoy everything" Alfred smiled. "I'm aware of the circumstances... But that doesn't make me feel any more prepared... I want to ensure I'm taken care of if anything were to happen" I rolled my eyes.

"Hmmm... just promise to talk to the girls tonight?"
"I will see..... if I'm not having fun, I'll leave"
"What?!! Oh, you are so cruel," Alfred said, pretending to be sad. "Stop; someone might hear and spread the rumor that Arthur is bullying us," Matthew added. "Right?!! As if Arthur is going to kill us," Alfred said, laughing. It didn't surprise me that they also heard the rumors about me.

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