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When we arrived, lots of people were there. The driver dropped us off in the front and immediately we ran into Alfred and Matthew. "Arthur!!! Where have you been I've missed you!!" Alfred said running towards me. He tried to give me a hug but I pushed him away. "Please stop child" I spoke. "He is right though, you are late? I'm sure Antonio is going to love this" Matthew laughed. He began to greet Francis and the two of them shook hands.

"Antonio can say whatever he wants to me..... I don't care" I said annoyed. We all began to walk up the steps and it grew harder to hear each other. "Ahhh he wouldn't like that" Alfred laughed. We all checked in together and decided to stand by one of the windows to talk.

There were lots of people there dancing to the music and talking very loudly. His parties were always so crazy all the time.

I grabbed a two drinks from a near by tray and handed one to Francis. He smiled at me in a thank you and we both toasted. "Ahhh look at Feliciano Vargas! I heard he is seeing a man" Alfred whispered to Matthew. I looked at them with a lifted eyebrow and they began to stare. Feliciano Vargas.... He owned lots of wine fields..... and rumors spread around that he was seeing a man. It didn't stop people from buying his wine.... But lots of people raised a brow to it. He still hasn't confirmed or denied the rumors.

"Alfred, do you really believe everything you hear? Besides, who cares, none of my business who he sleeps with" Matthew rolled his eyes. "Well I know..... but I don't think I've met anyone who like men like that, it's interesting" Alfred spoke shocked. I couldn't tell if he was against it or for it at all.
Francis and I would never be anything, so I didn't get nervous listening to this conversation.

"Que s'est-il passé ?" Francis asked. Matthew turned to him and I assume begin to tell him what we just talked about. Francis looked towards Feliciano and his eyes looked wide and sad. I could understand where he is coming from.

"Arthur!! I heard the news that you came!!! Late as always! I swear!! You are never late for Alfred and Matthew" a voice spoke. Francis and I both turned and I saw that it was Antonio. He smiled at me but I continued to stare at him seriously. Antonio came and put an arm around me and Francis and I pulled away. "Please have some modesty" I spoke.

I looked at him annoyed and he looked to Francis. Antonio let go of him and began to lean on me and hold me close. He was always like this and it was annoying. "Arthur? Who is that?" He asked confused. He put an arm around me and held me close as he squeezed my cheeks.

"His name is Francis, he is Arthur's friend" Matthew spoke. He looked like he could tell Antonio was going to get under my skin. I looked to Francis who stared at Antonio annoyed. "Nice to meet you Francis" Antonio spoke to him. Francis lifted and eyebrow and I laughed. "He speaks French only" I explained.

Antonio looked to me and looked confused. "Hmmm? How are you friends with him then?" He asked. Antonio began to shake me and I pushed him away. "Please stop touching me!" I glared. "Arthur! You never come by anymore... and I guess I could see why" Antonio spoke. Francis stood there confused but he looked annoyed at the same time.

"Yeah, he is way more interesting" I rolled my eyes. I heard Alfred laughing and I looked at him holding back a smile. "Arthur.... Aren't we friends... you can just spend time with me" Antonio spoke. He began to wrap his arms around me again and I pushed him away.

"I need some air..... Francis, join me" I spoke. I gestured for him to follow me and I walked away from everyone. Francis got the hint and started to follow behind me. I didn't need him talking about this right now.

I began to walk into the garden and Francis followed behind me. I wanted to get away from everyone and be alone with him for just a second. I walked deeper and deeper into the garden until it was starting to get darker and darker from the lack of lighting. "Arthur?" He asked confused.

I finally stopped by a tree and began to sit down on the ground since there were chairs in this area. He looked at me confused and I wish I could tell him what was bothering me so much. I guess I could.... But it wouldn't be the same. "Good?" He asked worried.

I took a deep breath as he sat beside me. "No...." I said nervously. It was quiet where we were, and very secluded. It felt nice to finally be alone for once. No servants, people, expectations.... Just us.

I looked at him sadly and began to slowly place my hand on his thigh. "Francis.... I know this might be sudden.... But after getting to know you even a little bit had made me realize a lot of things about myself. You've inspired me to learn French again and be a more happier.... And although you can't really say my name correctly yet.... I....I....." I felt myself get nervous.

My face was hot and I looked him in the eyes. "Well... what I'm trying to say is....I've grown really fond of you..." I admitted. He looked at me confused and said "okay...." Laughing nervously.

I laughed at what he said and looked down "you don't understand anything huh...." I laughed to myself. I then proceeded to reach in my pocket for the letter I wrote to him. He watched me confused at first but soon saw the letter and he understood.

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