Chapter 22 - Married strangers.

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                                                                       (Emerlyn n Tom <3)

I had decided to give the Riddles quite a visit, but things escalated in the opposite direction. Serena and Tom were at it again, with their petty and useless arguments.

However, this time I sided with Tom which bothered Serena to her core.

"Look, I just think that Tom is right; you can't have one life goal which is to waste your life partying!" I defended myself, but Serena was not fond of it.

"Look, who's talking!" She sneered eye-ing the love bites. "Thought you were there, to kill someone not-"

"Enough!" Tom interfered.

Serena didn't bother staying any longer and left. There was too much sorrow built in me. First, Draco then Serena, who's next?

"Something went terribly wrong, didn't it?" Tom inquired judging the expressions on my face.

I couldn't even face Tom, I felt so embarrassed for what I had done. "I apologize for what I did, I'm really sorry...Tom.." I apologized sincerely from my heart. 

"I'm not mad at you, Emerlyn." He declared. "Just disappointed."

I could not blame him, I was highly disappointed in myself too. 

"I hope you put those earrings back on, they're quite useful." He instructed and I nodded my head in agreement. "Now tell me what happened" He requested.

I let out a breath of relief, Tom was an amazing friend.

                            -  -  - - - - - - - - -- -- - - 

I sat in the chilly backyard as the moon shined at its brightest, and the wind explored my hair howling; and I let my sorrows out, gripping Tom's arm and resting my head on his shoulders as warm droplets wetted his shirt. 

He listened as I slowly let out all my bottled-up emotions and thoughts, Tom was an excellent listener and I was beyond grateful for him and his friendship.

"This isn't the Emerlyn, I know." He spoke to break the silence filled with my sniffles. "I once knew a strong Emerlyn, who got her heart broken once but didn't let that stop her from reaching every goal of hers, ever"

"I knew an Emerlyn who didn't let love distract her ever."

Puzzled, I arose my head facing Tom. "Don't act nutty, what are you trying to say?"

"I thought that Draco and you may have had some patiently possibly, but now I think otherwise." He confessed.

A sharp pain afflicted me yet I couldn't figure out the exact word for this emotion. 

"It's not that Malfoy and you aren't compatible enough, it's just...not until your purpose of this marriage is over, you both cannot keep a healthy marriage.." 

"And, even when it's all over, you've killed Malfoy and Lestrange, have you ever thought about how Draco would react if he ever figured out you're there to kill members of his family? his father?" He continued, I was so caught up with emotions that I hadn't, things had changed, something in me had changed for Draco.

"But at the end of the day, I can't even feel romantic love; so who am I to judge?" He finished, it was now that it all made sense. Like a puzzle slowly finding all, its pieces. 

"Maybe...I'd show him what his father has done, tell him the truth..." I responded unsure of my own answer.

 "Stop acting all depressed, use this argument to your advantage." Tom changed his sense of tone. "Now, Draco won't be a distraction, you can kill off Barty easily, Emerlyn." He suggested. 

                                       - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - -


A week had flown by, yet nothing had improved between me and Draco. He was still stubborn, refused to talk to me, and when he meant by the term treating me like a stranger he meant it. 

It was now I realized, how empty my world was without him, how much of me he had consumed and without him every day felt sad, gloomy, and empty. I attempted countless times to get him to talk but he wouldn't.

He was giving me the silent treatment, and I was worthy of it. 

One afternoon after a bitchy meeting with Serena, I came back home to witness Pansy and Draco sort - of arguing. I decided not to interrupt them but rather to watch from afar. 

"You're right, we were once a thing." Snarled Draco. "But we both agreed to stay friends!" His tone grew stronger flowing with anger.


"And all of that was an act!" He continued. "And you knew it was an act, so I don't see how I'm wrong?"

"It's not that Draco!" Protested Parkinson. "I just think your wife is dodgy!"

"Dodgy?" He repeated after. "Leave, Pansy leave!" He commanded. 

Pansy tried, speaking against me, speaking against our marriage but it didn't work. Instead, she only made herself appear more foolish. A warm comforting emotion overtook my heart. No matter how much hatred Draco showed me, deep down we both knew he still loved me. 

I ought it was time I reveal myself, so I creaked the door open just wide enough to get the two of their's reactions. I didn't speak but rather left to rush to my room.

"I don't see a problem." Spoke Draco randomly, who was just collecting pillows to sleep in the other room and I was placing back the earrings I had shoved in my purse.

I let out a sigh, now what was he on about?


"I saw the way you looked- at both me and Pansy." He replied, walking to the door frame. "Seemed as though you cared" 

"I don't" I defended myself.

"So, if you don't you don't mind me being around her-" He came to a halt for a good second. "Right?"

I was not in the mood to argue at all. I just wasn't. 

"Good night, Draco," I replied in - return; and with a flick of my wand closed all the lights in the room, heading to my bed and covering myself under the heavy blanket. 

A/N: Alr ik this chapter didn't have much development, but more exciting chapters are coming!

also updating on Mondayyy

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