𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. the predator and the prey

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—chapter twenty-three: the predator and the prey

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—chapter twenty-three: the predator and the prey

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August 23, 2021
Hackett House
Upstate New York, New York

AT TWO-THIRTY-FIVE IN THE MORNING, CASSIDY IS STILL CHASING LAURA. The sounds of their boots hitting the floor with each step they take as they run echoes through the hallway. Laura shoulders a door open, running into the main area of the house.

She slows to a stop momentarily. She had limited options on where to run to from here and Cassidy was not going to stop chasing her until she takes her final breath.

She takes a right and heads up a staircase, pulling open the door to another room.

The bathroom.

Cassidy hadn't seen her run in there. By the time both of them had reached the foyer, Laura had already entered the bathroom, and he had been trying to figure out which room she had gone into. But he found it, or so he hopes.

"You can run, Laura, but you can't hide!" There was a growl that accompanied his words as he walks into the bathroom. You are the hunter. The little lamb is the prey. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!"

He knew how easy it was to hide in a bathroom, but also how easy it was for someone to find you if you didn't stay as still and as silent as possible. The bathroom was big, but there was only one place you could consider a hiding spot.

And he could hear her fast-beating heart.

He walks to the bathtub, raising his hand to move the curtain out of the way. He slides it over, revealing Laura. The blonde is staring up at him with wide eyes, possibly wondering how she get caught. And just as she was about make a break for the door, Cassidy grabs her and drags her out of the bathtub.

"I gotcha," he says, a his top lip twitching as he snarls as the girl struggles in his grip. "You're gonna fuckin' pay for what you did to Kaylee and Gammy!"

"Let me go!" Laura hisses, thrashing about to try and get away from him. But she wasn't going to get away anytime soon.

"Mm... How 'bout no?" he replies, a low chuckle leaving his lips.

"I have done nothing but try to save people."

"You've done nothin' but begin to massacre my entire family, pickin' us off one by one," Cassidy says through gritted teeth as he drags her over to the toilet. "Do you get satisfaction from this?"

𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (the quarry)Where stories live. Discover now