Chapter 2

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hey guys! well with this story, im kind of doing five stories in one if that makes sense. a story for each of the boys. itll make more sense as i go along. i really hope you guys enjoy this one too. oh and check out my other story the decision(: well, here's chapter 2(:


POV: Monica

I sit back and try to concentrate on the movie as I finish Alexandra's hair. I can see that she's trying just as hard as me to not freak out. In fact, everyone is having a hard time not. Elizabeth is having such a hard time that she gets up and leaves into the kitchen to cook because that gets her mind off of things.

I mean, who wouldn't freak out? One Direction is coming to Alexandra's house! I mean we all live here but still! I am still having a hard time dealing with the fact that I actually know Liam Payne of One Direction and that he is telling me his relationship problems! Normally, I hate helping people with their problems but this is Liam Payne! How could I say no?

I can't believe that they're all coming here. I'm really nervous because well Zayn is going to be here....I wonder if Liam has told him that I like him yet. Part of me hopes he did while another part of me says that he better not have. It'd make sense if he did though because Liam promised that he'd at least find away to get Zayn to meet me and he's been talking about me a lot to him in hopes that zayn might "fancy" me. He promised to make it so Zayn and I might someday be together. Maybe this is part of Liam's plan, invite Zayn here so we can mingle and fall in love. Yes, that has to be it.

Boy, Liam sure is smart.

The only thing that Liam isn't smart about is staying with that girl, Adeline. She is absolutely nasty. She is tall, blonde, skinny, curvy, blue eyed, and everything else that you imagine a real life barbie would be like. Plus she has a really annoying voice and a laugh that just makes you automatically hate her. She's also a huge slut that flirts with anything that moves and Liam can't see it. He deserves so much better, plus all they do is fight. I swear she just wants him for his money. He can do so much better! It's irritating. I feel bad for him. He should just learn that she is bad news.

I hate how stupid people can be sometimes. They're just crazy animals.

Right as I finish Alexandra's hair, someone knocks on the door. Liam runs to get it. The girls all look super nervous, even more nervous than when Liam came in. I understand because I haven't even met the boys yet. Us girls hurry and clean up a little bit.

Well, isn't this going to be a lovely story to tell our children? We met One Direction in our pajamas.

That's when Liam comes back with all of his band members. They are even more attractive in person. I cannot believe that they are here. They all look super awkward as I bet we do also.

"Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn," Liam says gesturing to each one of them then continuing, "I'd like you to meet Monica, Alexandra, Abigail, and Eliza- well Elizabeth when she comes back from wherever she went?" he concludes. We all say hi.

"She is in the kitchen cooking." Alexandra says being the brave one that breaks the ice. Niall's face immediately lights up. "You guys know where I'll be..." he says then leaves. We all laugh which releaves a lot of the tension that we all have.

Alexandra and I are still sitting on the floor while Abigail is sitting on the couch by herself until One Direction sits with her minus Niall. And she is jealous of me? Lucky.

I cannot believe that One Direction is here watching a normal film with normal girls like us. I find it hard not to look at them but everytime that they laugh I cant resist it. This time when I look back, I see something that I dont expect though.

Liam is whispering to Zayn.

What is he telling him? Is it about me? whats going on? should i be worried? I hurry and look away though because Zayn's eyes catch mine and I blush.

I hear footsteps behind me and then their is a body next to mine. I look at Alexandra and she smiles at me then gets up and sprawls herself over the end of the couch that no one is seated at. I look at the body next to me and it is Zayn Malik.

"Hey." he says cooly. "Uh, hi." i say. "I really want to thank you for inviting Liam over. Adeline has been giving him so many problems and he really needed a friend." he says with his thick accent. I smile. "Of course, anytime." i say.

We then sit in silence which is totally okay with me. It gives me time to fangirl internally and think. Maybe Zayn isn't as much as a bad boy as everyone thinks he is? He seems really kind. Well on the other side, I'm probably just making him a hero in my head because my favorite member of One Direction actually sat by me and talked to me! Talk about best day ever!

My thoughts get interupted though by the smell of cookies and then I remember that Elizabeth and Niall are in the kitchen alone. I wonder what they are doing.....?


what do you guys think? ive been trying to make my chapters longer and if there is grammatical errors i apologize because i am doing this all from my cell phone. what id do for you guys(: anyways, comment, vote, read and enjoy!

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