Chapter 8

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POV: Abigail

I cant help but feel as if we have forgotten something as Harry's beyond packed car pulls into the hospital. Everyone is complaining because we've all gotten really hot causing the windows to get super fogged up. Im suprised we didnt get pulled over.

Harry parks his car and we all practically fall out. We all stand up and start gulping the air like we were fish out of water just being put back in our bowl. Yes we are that sad and its quite embarassing but we cant help it.

Alexandra gasps, "i knew we forgot something!"

"Whatd we forget?" I ask because i had the same feeling.

"Liam!" She shouts.

"Fuck. Harry i need your keys. Abigail and i will go get him while you visit our little Nialler." Louis says.

"Be safe Boo-Bear." Harry says flirtatiously while tossing him his keys. Monica is freaking out.

"She"ll be fine Monica. She has Louis." Alexandra supports me. I give her a smile and mouth her a thanks as i get into Harry's car. I feel much more relaxed with so much less people. As Louis gets into the car, a thought occurs to me.

This is the first time Louis and i have truly been alone.

The car ride is quite awkward. I need to break the silence somehow so i blurt the first thing that comes to my mind.

"Hey Lou? What were you, Zayn, and Harry talking about whilst we were inside?"

"Nothing important love."

"Oh...well just out of curiousity then, what do you boys think of us girls?" I ask although id much rather just know what he thinks of me.

Louis doesnt answer. He seems to be struggling with himself. He doesnt know what to think. After awhile he takes out his phone and calls someone.

"Hey Zayn......yeah we're fine.....Liam is going to pick you guys up okay?......explain later.....tell Harry i love him too.....mhm....bye." he says then hangs up.

"Whys Liam picking them up?" I ask confused.

"So i can answer your question." He amswers. I start to get a little scared.

Louis pulls up into our driveway and parks the car. Im honestly suprised he knew it was my house because he has only been here once. We get out and go inside.

"Daddy!!!! They bribed us to go with them and forget you with carrots! Carrots of all fruits! Why!?!" Louis screeched when we walked in and ended up on the floor near the end of his little speech fake bawling into my legs.

"Umm Louis, im pretty sure its a vegetable." Liam says leaning against the door frame. He doesnt look to angry.

"Liam!" Louis jumped up and ran to him wrapping his arms entirely around him taking Liam by suprise.

"I am so sorry!!" Louis cried.

"It's fine mate. Since im assumimg youve already seen Nialler im gonna go see him. Youre not in any condition to drive so i reccomend you stay here. Are you going to come Abigail?" Liam asks me.

"And leave this alone in my house? Sorry Liam but i dont think i can." I tell him and he smiles taking the hint.

He says bye and leaves. I laugh at Louis.

"Anyways, answering your question from earlier. Zayn thinks youre shy but must be fun because you were with me, he thinks Alexandra is even more shy than you but is open when comfortable, and he kinda fancies Monica because he loves the care she showed for her friend. Harry has been to troubled to think of anyone else besides himself and Alexandra. And i-"


"Yeah. He doesnt know why Alexandra doesnt like him."

"Doesnt like him? Shes literately in love with him!" I laugh.

"She has a funny way of showing it. My best mate is seriously hurt by it. I mean, no one hates him. Anyways, i thought that Monica seemed awkward and uncomfortable around everyone. Alexandra seemed as if she was trying to distance herself and well i fancy you. You seem fun to be around and i like that a lot. I havent felt this way since Elounor and im happy i can again." Louis concluded and i smiled when he finished.

He stepped closer to me. I am truly happy. He fancies me. I only know what that means because of Monica and her stupid fanfictions. I hug Louis.

"I like you too." I whisper.

"Is it bad that i want to kiss you?" He asks me. I just bite my lip.

"Youre right. It is too soon. This will have to supervise." He says leaning over and kissing my hand. I giggle feeling like a princess.

"Do you have any carrots?" He asks off topic. I laugh and pointt to the fridge. He goes and grabs some as Monica and Alexandra walk in.

"Louis. The boys are waiting for you." Alexandra says.

He gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, "goodnight my lady." And then leaves into the dark night.

"Goodnight..." i whisper although he cant hear me.


A/N: I got bored so heres an early update! Probably wont happen again though unless i get votes and comments. So vote, fan, share, comment and read my lovelies!

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