Chapter 11

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POV: Zayn

Dinner is over and Monica came back with me to the hotel where I am staying. It’s normal for us to have sleepovers. We spend every possible second that we can together since we live in different countries plus I am always on tour.

“Do you think Harry is okay?” Monica asks me for the 5th time tonight. We saw him extremely upset storming out of her bungalo before we left.

“Yes love. It’s just Harry. He’ll be fine. I love how you worry so much,” I tell her wrapping my arms from behind around her. I sway with her a bit as she is looking through the radio stations. She finally finds a station that she likes and gives me a peck on the lips.

“Okay I’ll believe you. I’ll be right back,” she says heading towards the bathroom. I plop down on my duvet and think about dinner tonight. I can’t believe that Liam brought Kristen to the dinner. It’s insane! I didn’t like how he couldn’t keep his eyes on his own girl and kept putting them on mine. It was very irritating. I understand that they are best friends and I have a horrid past but still! That’s not okay.

“Did you think that Liam was acting weird tonight?” I shout to Monica wondering if I was the only one that noticed it.

“Not that I know of. He seemed happy. I’m glad he finally found another girl after Adeline although I admit I thought that she was weird. Plus I thought that he’d get along so much better with Danny, but oh well. If he is happy, I’m happy,” Monica answers me. so I guess it is just me. at this moment she comes out of the bathroom dressed in a tanktop and booty-shorts. I would expect Alexandra to wear this but not her. I’m not complaining though.

“I don’t know babe. I didn’t like the way he kept looking at you,” I explain.

“Looking at me? ha. You’re funny. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Kristen. Let’s just be happy for him kay? Zayn, do you know what song this is?” Monica suddenly says off topic approaching me. I listen and then I smile at her.

“It’s our song babe,” I say standing up and wrapping my arms around my girlfriend. It’s silly but true. I begin to swing her around as the sound of my friend Craig David fills my ears. I begin to sing the familiar tunes to her. We begin to dance. I look into her orbs as we do so. Hers stare back at me full of admiration.

I really fancy this girl. Hell, I might even love her. She is just so amazing and I love everything she does. I love that she loves to argue with everyone to prove a point. I love how she gets so upset easily. I love how she’s so awkward around me. I love that she loves school as much as I do. I love that she loves children. I love how she is such a mother figure for her group of friends. I love her sense of music. I love how she asks the stupidest questions ever in her games of ‘what would you do if’ or ‘would you rather’ although some of them are very disturbing. I love her laugh. i love how she does these weird dances at the randomest times. I love how she randomly shouts out stupid things. I love how she is so concerning of others. I love how I can be myself around her. I love how I can dance in front of her because I know that she is just as bad.

Now the question is, do I love her?

I’m not one of those people who say they love you when they don’t. when I say it, I really mean it. that is how my mum raised me and that’s what I have taught the lads because they were all naïve. I love everything about her so it’d make sense if I loved her right? That’d also explain why I got so jealous at dinner of Liam.

At this moment, I don’t know what triggered it, but I realize that I love Monica. I may not be in love yet but I love her. I don’t know how I know but I do. Something in her orbs must’ve made me realize it or something. I just absolutely know that I do. I’m scared to loose her. Should I tell her of my realization or wait for a more romantic time? I look into her orbs and I see the joy in them as we are still dancing around to our song. What could be a better time than now?

“Monica?” I ask and she giggles looking at me.

“yes?” she responds still dancing around.

“I just wanted to tell you t-that I love you,” I tell her as ‘Officially Yours’ by Craig, our song, almost ends. She stops dancing and looks at me full of shock. This is the first time that any of would have muttered anything close to those words and I just spoke them completely. Now the only question I have is does she feel the same way?

“Z-Zayn?” she asks. I just look at her expectantly.

“W-what?” she asks me. I feel like a retard. I shouldn’t say anything. I’m probably just going to scare her off. I knew I shouldn’t have told her. I can’t back out now. my pride won’t let me.

“I love you Monica,” I tell her again as I step closer to her and she steps closer to me full of happiness. She jumps into my arms and kisses me so passionately that I swear fireworks are exploding in our mouths. I would be beyond happy but I can’t help but dwell on the fact that she didn’t say it back. She just kissed me. maybe it isn’t a mutual feeling. I pull apart and she looks at me in the orbs. Her smile is so radiant in this moment that it makes me not want to care that she didn’t say it back but I do.

“Zayn, what would you do if I said that I loved you back?” she ponders teasingly.

“I don’t know, you’d have to tell me to find out,” I tease in a sexy tone and I can tell she is having a hard time resisting me. Who wouldn’t though? I’m perfect.

“I love you too Zayn,” she says. I kind of freeze unsure of what to do in that moment as the last word of our song is spoken. That’s when I can’t help myself. I reach over and I grab Monica pulling her beyond close to me. I embrace her in an even more passionate kiss than the one before which is pretty hard to top. Soon our kiss begins to feel with lust and my hand digs into the small of her back. She turns off the radio and walks me towards the bed. Our mouths never parting. We fall back and my fingers linger on the bottom of her shirt as if asking. To my surprise, she helps me lift the shirt over her head.

“Are you sure?” I ask her. I’ve been ready for awhile now but for her I was willing to wait.

“Positive,” she seductively says biting my lip. At the moment I don’t hesitate to get undressed and spend the rest of this amazing night with the woman I love. Can I just say, damn it feels so right to say that.


A/N: I know that this is a very short chapter and for that I apologize. I wasn’t in the mood to prolong anything. I hope this will do though. Oh and if any of you are asking, yes Monica and Zayn did just have sex. I am kind of not into writing that kind of stuff but I know it happens and it makes the book better so um yeah. Imagine what you want for that part. Okay now my questions:

1)      How is Louis with Kristen appearing?

2)      What drama is going to happen with Monica and Zayn?

3)      What is your favorite book on wattpad?

I’m kind of not feeling the questions right now. bad weekend. Oh and I have decided that favorite comment does get an imagine in my book wattpad imagines. So um yeah that starts with this chapter unless it is really amazing on my other chapters. I’ll message you the details if I like yours. I love you guys so much and having you guys as fans is seriously one of the only good things in my life right now so thank you.




Alex xx

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