Chapter 19

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POV: Harry

“I’m going to be right back,” I say exiting the table. Alexandra looks at me confused and I give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. She smiles at me. I go into the backyard and take out my cell. I dial up Zayn immediately.

“Hello?” he answers on the last ring and you can tell that he has been crying.

“Hi mate. What happened?” I asked.

“I couldn’t do it man. She fancied Liam too and Liam is in love with her. I couldn’t handle it. They were left alone for awhile at the aquarium on our double date and Liam couldn’t tell me what they even did! Then she admitted that they almost snogged. How am I supposed to react to that mate?” Zayn rambles and it’s a lot to take in.

“I’m going to be there in a little bit. Let me say goodbye to Alexandra first,” I tell him.

“No. you should stay with her since it’s the last time that you’re going to see her in a bit,” Zayn responds and I can hear him sniffling.

“I’ll just have her come with me. she can stay in my room why I go to check on you,” I tell him.

“Harry. It’s fine. Stay with her,” he says and I cant help but want to help him.

“I’ll see you back at the hotel Zayn,” I tell him.

“Harry!” he begins to protest but I hang up on him. I turn around to see Alexandra standing there. She looks really cold. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. She accepts the gesture and wraps her arms around me too.

“What’re we going to do Harry?” she asks me.

“I don’t know. We’ll figure this out some way,” I tell her and she looks up at me. I bend down and give her a soft kiss.

“I’m going to miss you Harry,” she says.

“I’m going to miss you too babe. Aren’t we spending the night together though?” I ask because I wont see her for a really long time.

“I don’t know if we can Harry. I am going to comfort Monica because this is her first heartbreak and then you’re probably going to comfort Zayn,” she says sadly. I squeeze her tighter. We’re just standing out here in the snow.

“Can you come over later at least?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know if I can say goodbye to you at the airport tomorrow,” she says and I frown at her statement.

“Does that mean that I have to say goodbye now?” I ask and she nods.

“I’m going to miss you,” I tell her.

“It’s going to be different not having you around all the time,” she whispers.

“we’ll make this work. Hell, our relationship has only started. How’s Niall and Elizabeth going to keep it working?” I ask and she smiles.

“What about Louis and Abigail? Especially with Kristen on tour with them?” she asks with worry laced in her voice.

“I don’t think that they have to worry about Kristen. I think that Liam and Kristen are going to have the most problems right now,” I tell her and she looks confused.

“Zayn and Monica broke up because Liam and Monica almost kissed at the aquarium,” I tell her honestly.

“That doesn’t seem right,” she whispers making me confused.

“What?” I ask her.

“Nothing. I need to talk to Louis before he leaves though,” she responds.

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