chapter 12

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POV: Louis

"I can't believe he brought her," I complain to my lovely girlfriend once we are alone.

"who brought who?" she asks me changing into some pajamas.

"Liam brought....her..." I say not willing to say her name. I fancied her quite a bit til I knew exactly to what extent of a psycho she is. she stalked me big time. have you ever heard of the crazy girlfriend memes? That's how she is but 10x worse.

"I dont understand babe. I thought youd be happy for him, " Abigial states with concern on her features.

"I wish I could be," I tell her rubbing the back of my neck whilst taking a seat on her bed. I am being honest.

"why cant you be? " she asks me taking a seat next to me.

"She's my crazy ex, " I tell her the short version.

"So? Alexandra has dated some of her friends crazy exs and they were all happy for her, " Abigial reasons.

"It's way different than that! babe that lass out there made my life hell! I lost Eleanor because of her!" I scream not realizing what I have just said.

"Well 'babe', I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air. dont speak to me until you realize what you want," Abigial orders.

"Abigial. I kno-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"Go Louis because you don't know," she orders again so I do as she says going into the backyard and sit on a lawn chair.

I really really like Abigial. I dont want to lose her. I admit that I still have a tad bit of feelings for Eleanor but those are disappearing more everyday. I guess it's more of because of the fact that we ended so badly and we could have made it. I realize thats wrong of me to think though. she couldn't keep up with my lifestyle and barely tried fighting when Kristen came into the picture. ugh. her name tastes foul in my mouth.

Abigial would fight for us.

She would never give up. I have gotten to know her very well and I know that she isnt a quitter. thats not her personality especially when it comes to the people that she loves. she always wants to help but won't if you dont let her. thats what shes doing with me right now. I feel so horrid. I cant believe that I fucked up the way I did. she was right, I did need air.

"please dont hate me," I whisper into the night as if it is her. I am being sincere with this because I feel like she will.

"I dont baby," a familiar voice says as hands touch my shoulders. I immediately tense up.

"Does Liam know you're here?" I say with bitterness shrugging her off of me.

"What he doesnt know wont hurt him," she answers me with a cocky grin coming into my view. she still is majorly hot. such a shame that she's a bitch.

"I think itd be best if you leave. not only in this instant but for good too," I tell her. I cant be myself around her anymore as my horrid side comes out around her.

"What happened to that fun-loving Louis I knew?" she asks jokingly.

"he hides when youre around," I respond.

"someones sassy tonight," she laughs.

"What do you want?" I growl.

"I thought that it was obvious baby. I want you," she says seductively throwing her arms around me.

"You can't have me. I'm Abigial's now and were over. We have been for the longest time," I inform her.

"Nothing is over til I say it is, " she says going for a kiss and she almost gets it too. Our lips brush just barely before I push her away.

"fuck you. this is me proving that whatever may have happened between us in the past is over. bye," I say going into the house through the sliding door before she can say anything. I feel as if I have found closure in a sense.


that feeling is gone as I look outside and I see Kristen giving me a sexy cocky grin. I have to remind myself that she is batshit crazy. I close the blinds and walk towards Abigial's room. I sit there for a bit.

I want to tell her so badly of what just happened but she'd probably tell me to go back to my flat in London. she wont believe me. I really dont want to fight with her either for we rarely see each other. I need to tell someone.

I cant tell Harry. he has too many lass' around him to tell him. I cant go to Elizabeth or Niall because they are too immersed in each other. the same goes for Zayn and Monica. I cant tell Liam because itd crush him. that only leaves Alexandra. She is the only single one here so she wont be preoccupied plus I heard she gives good advice. I'll ask her in the morning.

I feel more relaxed or calm now.

I open the door to Abigial's room and say, "Abigail?"

"yes?" she responds with a slight sadness in her tone that kills me. i feel like such an arse for causing her this.

"well I have made a decision but i dont think you'll like it," I start then throw my face in my hands and start fake sobbing. I continue, "I've chosen to stay with you."

"really?" she asks. I lift my head up out of my hands and pretend to wipe away fake tears but nod anyway. she smiles and I run over to her. I tackle her onto the bed and give her kisses all over her face causing her to giggle. I love that I can make her this way.

"cmon babe. it's time for bed. we have a big day tomorrow," she says once im done giving me a peck on the lips. I return the peck and turn off the lamp that is on. I cuddle her into my arms.

is it bad that I feel guilty for almost kissing Kristen to kissing Abigail?


A/N: Finally you guys know what's going on in Louis head. I feel so bad for this couple! ah! the drama for them doesnt end here either. oh and nobody knows about Harry and Alexandra so don't freak. kay now questions:

1) whats going to happen when he tells Alexandra?

2) whats Liam going to think?

3) you guys excited for the drama to start?

4) whos your favorite couple?

dont forget that my favorite comment gets an imagine in my book that is already up called wattpad imagines. so please




alex xx

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