Chapter 5

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sorry about the super long wait to update guys! i've kinda had a really stressful week or so and i've barely been home. again i apologize because this is all done on my phone. i promise you guys a really good chapter though. Enjoy


POV: Alexandra

'John Tucker Must Die' has just ended and I am uber jealous of Monica. She has two of the One Direction boys wrapped around her fingers willing to do anything for her. Just ugh.

I get up and walk over to the T.V. and DVD player so I can take the movie out. I then put the movie away and sigh looking at everyone. "What do you guys want to watch?" I ask them. A gazillion answers are flying at me. The boys wanted to watch something with action and romance like 'This Means War' which is a really good movie but Monica and I weren't feeling it.

"How about we watch a scary movie?" Monica offers.

"Yeah! and I have the perfect one too! You boys up for it?" I ask them.

They all look at me unsure of themselves but they don't object. I smile and go and find the movie. They are going to shit bricks. This is honest-to-god the scariest movie that I have ever seen.

I go and take my half of the couch back. I know it sounds vain, but no one was sitting here and it's my house so i'm going to take advantage of it. The only thing that sucks though about my sitting position, is that this is the first time that I am going to watch this alone. I always watched it with my ex but he's gone now.

I am probably going to freak out.

I watch their faces drop when they see the hanging in the very begining and then the title of 'Sinister' pop up. I have to hold back a laugh.

All of our attention's though are diverted from the movie when a very giggly and messy Abigail and Louis come from the kitchen carrying cookies and cupcakes. They are drenched in frosting. What happened to them?

Harry voices my last thought. I am dieing inside. Ohmygoodness. Fangirl moment. Harry is definitely my favorite and I have been in love with him for a long time but he didnt even know i existed. He probably doesn't care about me because he only likes older women...

"Abigail, go take a shower!" Monica yells at her.

"I accidentaly flicked her with frosting and we got into a fight..." Louis says guiltily whilst handing out snacks.

Liam sits there and shakes his head disapprovingly at him as we all say thank you to him when he gives us a treat. i make note the Harry does indeed take a cupcake. Abigail left the room blushing doing as her sister told her to do. Liam tells Louis to sit down, which he does sadly. I muffle a giggle and I see Harry smile at me which makes me blush.

I look over at Monica and Zayn and I can't help but be happy for her. Zayn has put his arm around her and she has snuggled into him. She has never done this with a guy before. Then again she has only dated the same guy twice and she doesn't count either times because once was in 5th grade and the other time she didn't like him. I consider her lucky because a scary part has just come up and she has someone to hide in...

I become very erie as i watch the man search the house in the movie. something bad is going to happen and i know it. And of course i am right because something scary does happen and i jump at least 10 feet. My laying down postition making it hard to jump up though, i kinda just shoot up my uper half of my body and Harry just so happened to have jumped my way making it so I just had to hit him in the head with my head.

Ohmygod...i just bonked heads with Harry Styles of One Direction....Talk about pain! and embarassment! i need to apologize which i do immediately.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean too!" i say freaking out.

"It's fine, just painful." he says in response.

"I am so sorry..."

"No need to apologize. How about you come here though so it doesn't happen again?" he flashes a cocky smile.

I literately go into shock. My long time crush just asked if i wanted to cuddle with him for safety purposes. Too bad it's only for safety purposes. Their's no way that he would like me. He only likes older women so i have no chance. i accept his offer willing myself to try and not care. This means nothing too him....

Throughout the movie i forget though and i end up under his arm cowarding in fear.

We all jump in fear when Abigail comes back into the room. She scared us so bad! She could've been Mr. Boogie!!! We could've died!

She comes and sits by me though which is a bad move on her part. I see her make eye contact with Louis though who sends her a flirtatious grin. I watch as she cowards away in pleasure causing Louis girn to get bigger. He gets up and causually strolls over to her. He sits down and takes her hand in hers like it's no big deal.

i am dieing inside for her and i cant imagine how she must be holding up. At least she has a chance with her crush...

The movie is about to get really intense when their is a knocking on my front door. We all look at eachother scared shitless. Who could be here at this hour? Monica pauses the movie and we exchange glances wondering who should answer the door. I look up at Harry trying to find some comfort. He looks down at me comfortingly and squeezes me closer to him.

After awhile their is more knocking. Liam gets up sighing to answer it.

"Guys it's not going to be a murderer or anything like tha-" he comes to a loss of words when he opens the door and sees who's there. Believe me, we are all shocked...


DUHN DUHN DUNANA!!! cliffhanger! haha i told you guys that i promised a good chapter. now some questions.

1) Who could be at the door?

2) Have any of you guys seen Sinister or any of the other movies mentioned and if so what do you think of them?

3) Who's your favorite couple that you can foresee happening?

4) Who's your favorite of the girls?

5) What country do you live in?

I hope to get some answers this time....please comment and vote and check out my other story called 'The Decision' it is a Harry Styles fanfiction. vote and comment on that way too. oh and i have a new story that's coming out that i'm really excited for. i hope you guys are enjoying my story so far! well uh i love you guys bye!

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