Chapter 13

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(intended for mature audience's)

POV: Niall

I wake up and Elizabeth is still sleeping. her beyond long brown locks of hair is messy. her brown skin is super soft as she snuggles into me. the memories of last night come back to me as I run my fingers through my hair and realize that im shirtless.

lets just say my grin couldnt get any bigger.

she is finally the person that I have been looking for. she actually cares for me. she puts me first unlike everyone else. I know that I am the least favorite of the band. I know for a fact that the girls prefer the other lads over me. Elizabeth doesnt though. she prefers me and she is mine. she proved that last night. This thought makes me bring her closer to me and she snuggles into to me more. I like the way she feels against me bare.

I look over onto my nightstand til I leave for tour in two days. ive already told her that we will be leaving soon and she acts fine but im better at telling when she isnt now. thats why I got the box on my nightstand to reassure her. no its not a wedding ring. its not earrings. It is a promise ring. No its not a fucking infinity sign like so many cheesy ass couples do. It's something that is more us.

no I got two silver rings. on one of them it has "PeanutButter" engraved on it. on the other one it has "Jelly" engraved on it. it kind of means that we complete each other because we kind of do.

I know she isnt about commitment and niether am I so this is a huge step for us. so was last night but still. this is me saying I dont want that fun mess around type relationship and I want to get serious. its me saying that I want her waiting for me when I get back from tour. that she'll be the reason im excited for coming back.

Elizabeth begins to stir by my side and my grin gets bigger if that's possible. she yawns and stretches. she snuggles back into my chest with her eyes still closed.

"Someone's happy," she mumbles as her finger rests on my thigh obviously about to feel something that makes my face want to go red.

"It's only because you are here," I flirt with my cocky grin. she looks up at me with a ginormous smile and pecks my lips passionately. her morning breath doesnt bother me. I glance at the ring on my nightstand and I think I should now before things get out of hand and I get to attached. I give her a passionate kiss then pull away grabbing the box.

"Babe?" I ask and she just mumbles for me to continue.

"I really like you and I kind of want to take our relationship to the next level," I answer.

"their's a next level? how come I didnt know about this!?!" she playfully groans causing me to chuckle.

"babe. I meant that I wanna be serious with you too. not only playful fun," I tell her.

"What do you mean?" she asks sitting up, the sheet barely covering her breasts. I immediately get into shy mode.

"I wanna give you this," I tell her opening the box. she looks at it wide eyed.

"What the hell is this?" she jokes but I still give her a serious answer.

"this is my promise ring to you if you will accept it. I know that we may not last forever but I want to try with you Elizabeth. so what do you say?" I ask nervously. I dont know why I am so nervous. Our naked bodies are pressed against each other.

"For you Niall, I'll try but know that I probably wont get it right because im not into this relationship shit," she says. my grin gets huge and I put the ring on her finger. she smiles in admiration when she sees mine. I give her a passionate kiss and things get heated fast. she feels my body tensing and chuckles amongst biting my lip.

"oh and Niall?" she asks.

"yeah?" I say trying to control myself. I cant help that she put me in the mood.

"I really like you too," she says and I cant help myself. we begin round two.


A/N: this chapter was a bit more mature than I'm used to but I loved it none the less. This is my happy couple that barely has any problems. I love them so much. now my questions:

1) did you like the ring idea that I came up with?

2) did you guys like the more mature chapter?

3) what do you think is going to happen with this couple in the future?

follow me on twitter @ xela1842 or on instagram @1direction__fanfic . remember that my favorite comments get an imagine! I love you all!




Alex xx

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