Chapter 6

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hey guys! i havent decided a set day of when to update this one....any suggestions? any day but saturday. well, i hope you guys are enjoying this story tons...well please check out my two other stories! "The Decision(A Harry Styles fanfiction)" and "Love isnt always Fair(one direction fanfiction)". they're really good! i promise! well, who do you think will be at the door??(; enjoy guys!


POV: Monica

We all look at the door. Our looks are a mixture of confusion, fear and curiousity. Mine is more confusion with a mixture of fear. i mean, who would be here at this hour? i doubt it's Niall and Elizabeth plus Elizabeth would've just walked in.

Liam looks uneasy as he opens the front door stopping mid sentence. We are all shocked when we see what was waiting on Alexandra's doorstep. It just isn't right. at all. it is so gross. it smells nasty. really doesnt even look right but then again when does it?

"Liam. You're such an ass. How could you leave me and come to this whore's house? I love you baby..." Adeline says. she is obviously as my friend would say, shit-faced or drunk-tarded. this just isnt right at all! what is this horrible person doing on MY or Alexandra's doorstep!?! she needs to leave. what is Liam going to do about it??

"Adeline. What you just said about my friend," he gestures to Alexandra then continues, "is not okay. I think it'd be best if you leave. Now. We can talk when youre sober."

I think that that was a very mature and Liam type reaction.

"Baby...let us just talk now." she runs her fingers down his shirt very seductively, which makes Liam look very uncomfortable, then continues, "I really miss you. Come on, the night is still youngg! Let's go party!" she concludes kissing Liam right in front of all of us.

He pushes her off of him but i still think that he is going to need some help so Alexandra and I get up and walk towards the door. Alexandra grabs Liam's sleeve trying to pull him away but he stops her.

"No Alexandra. Adeline is right. We need to talk now." he says and Adeline looks very pleased and she licks her lips very seductively. we all look at him shocked yet we feel bad for him. theirs nothing we can do because he has fallen under her charm...

"Adeline, i no longer want to be your boyfriend. i dont like how you treat my mates. plus i know about your cheating and i am not okay with it. i also am not okay with how you've become an acoholic. i dont think i can forgive you..i am sorry but can you please leave?" Liam states very calmly.

"Baby baby baby wait, i can change. i lo-" Adeline says grabbing Liam but is interupted by a sudden outburst of vomit exploding from her mouth all over Liam causing Alexandra and I to jump back so it wouldn't get on us. i can't be around vomit because it makes me sick. Alexandra is already gagging. Harry and Zayn immediately ran over to us as if they could sheild us from this image. Louis and Abigail weren't far behind.

Alexandra looks very troubled and confused but it seems as if she is determined and her mind is made up.

"This is my property. I believe that you need to leave. Now. Or i will call the cops. Thank you." she says very firmly to Adeline and I want to applaud her. I walk over and slam the door shut.

"Liam mate, please go take a shower." Zayn asks him very kindly. Liam doesn't hesitate for he looks as if he is about to hurl himself.

Zayn and Harry then go to the window after locking the door. They are making sure that Adeline gets her drunk ass out of here. Abby and Louis went to help Liam find the bathroom.

Alexandra left with them but came back quickly with cleaning supplies and we got to work cleaning the mess that slut made. that woman is a crazy animal! just no!

"this is soooo disgusting!!!" Alexandra gags.

i nod at her in agreement and we hurry to finish this mess. by the time we are done, the boys are sure that Adeline has left. After we stood up, Harry immediately engulfed Alexandra in a hug. I need to interogate her later...Especially because she looks so uneasy and lost.

"Hey guys, we should go and visit Niall to make sure he is okay." Abigail says as her and Louis join our group.

We all look at eachother considering this option. it couldnt be to bad? plus i really am worried about this boy..what about Elizabeth? she has a serious thing for him! i have never seen her get so defensive! definitely.

"i'm in." i say.

"Then it's settled. we go see them." Louis says.

"Correct Boo-bear!" Harry excitedly yells.

all of us smile at their bromance. definitely my favorite.

With that the four boys go outside as us girls get ready. We are after all in our pajamas but we dont change out of them. We just make ourselves more presentable.

Us girls walk outside and it seems as if we ruined something...oh well. Zayn grabs my hand and we get into Harry's car.


1) did you guys expect Adeline to show up?

2) what about the throw up?

3) why is Alexandra so uneasy?

4) who's your favorite bromance?

5) how is Niall going to be?

6) is their something between Monica and Zayn?

7) something between Abigail and Louis?

8) what about Harry and Alexandra?

9) who do you want to get together?

10) do you have any ship names?

love ya guys! dont forget to comment a date for me to update!

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