Chapter 20

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*POV: Zayn*

Monica is lying here in my arms again and it feels so damn right. I can’t believe that I finally have her back with me. It took awhile but can you blame me? She fancied my best friend, but from the way she took the break-up and ignored Liam, she fancied me more and that was the only push I needed to go back to her. I missed her so fucking much. It was hard, especially listening to Harry, Niall and Louis talking about her and her best friends all of the time. I’m glad that they all have each other. Today is the last day of break and I am glad to spend it with Monica, lying in her oh so familiar bed.

“Zayn?” she asks, rolling over to face me.

“Yes love?” I ask her, putting her hair behind her ear.

“Do you still love me?” she asks shyly, putting her head down.

“What makes you ask something like that?” I respond confused.

“You were just so mad at me. The last thing that I would ever expect would be for you to show back up here at my door. And when you did, I thought you were going to yell at me more,” she admits, rambling.

“I know that it seems confusing but I missed you so much. Listening to Niall and Elizabeth or even Harry and Alexandra talking about you made me realize that you did care about me, a lot. You were going through the same things that I was, if not worse. Especially when you didn’t talk to Liam made it clear that you missed me because in the sort of sense that I pictured it, you were choosing me over him,” I respond and she looks at me confused until understanding crosses her face.

“I am so sorry Zayn,” she says looking away from me. I still am unsure as to of how to feel about the situation. She fancied my best friend but it kind of makes sense because they were best friends. I still don’t like it though and I don’t know if I ever will get over it.

“It’s in the past love. Let’s just not have it happen again, yeah?” I ask and she turns back over and looks at me.

“Trust me, it wont,” she whispers and I smile. I lean down and kiss her on the lips, tenderly. It wasn’t forced or passion filled. It was soft, memorable. I pull away though, reluctantly.

“I really have missed you,” she whispers and wraps her arms around my waist.

“I missed you too,” I tell her truthfully, hugging her back. She snuggles into my chest and we just sit there. I swear that I will fall asleep in a moment, which won’t be so bad. I need to sleep.

“Wake up Zayn,” Monica nudges me with her face and I groan.

“I wasn’t asleep in the first place,” I whine.

“Good. I’m going to get dressed and then I want to take you somewhere,” she smiles up at me and I open my eyes more. She climbs out of the bed and walks over to her dresser. She takes off her shirt and slips on a white tank top. She then goes over to her closet, and pulls out an orange and blue plaid dress. You can’t really see the orange. I watch as she slips off her basket ball shorts, then walks over to the mirror to fix her hair.

I slip out of the bed and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her back as she is braiding her hair, like I used to. I’ve missed this, tons. She finishes her hair and falls back on me, trusting me. I like this.

“I think you forgot something love,” I tell her and she turns around, squinting her eyes confused. I then hold up her glasses and her eyes widen.

“Ohmygod thank you. I don’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if I lost my glasses. I’m already blind enough,” she says and I laugh. She then wiggles out of my arms and walks over to the wall where her white flip flops are. She looks breathtaking. She has curves and this dress definitely defines them. It makes her look nice. I’m going to have to recommend that she wears this more.

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