Chapter 10

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POV: Harry

I watch her as she leaves the room with this new brunette that has entered. I can't help the jealousy that courses through me. It's unfair. Absolutely and totally. Why is that everyone else can be happy but I can't? Even Liam found someone! It may cause problems but he's still happy and that's all that matters. Then I find a girl that I really fancy and don't want to use for one night stands and she doesn't fancy me back. Just my luck huh?

I can't stand it! Why can't she see just how much I fancy her? Why can't she see how much that I care for her? Why!?! Why can't she see the pain it causes me when she says she has another date with a guy? Why can't she see the pain I feel when she rejects me? She acts so oblivious yet in pain herself!

One by one the couples in this room begin to get on my nerves. They're all so happy! Ugh. I need to win Alexandra. She needs to see once and for all that I truly fancy her. She needs to see that I can't live without her. I thought she would be able to considering how close we are but she can't. I want to shoot someone I am so angry. I excuse myself from the table and I go down the hallway to her room. I stand outside of her door and I hear her and her new friend Danny giggling.

"Are you sure that this is the right thing to do?" Alexandra asks.

"Yes! Besides, this is a really nice bloke. You deserve someone better then him and this guy is definitely it," that Danny girl says.

"Is he really that great?" she asks her.


"What's his name again?"

"Blake," Danny says dreamily.

How can I ruin her chance with someone who can be described like that? She deserves the best. I'm obviously not that. I may be famous but I'm not perfect. At all. And I'm not heartless. I want her to have a good life with someone who makes her happy. She deserves that and I don't want to be responsibly for ruining that.

I sink to the floor then and let my head fall between my legs. Why am I so undesirable? How could I be so selfish? What's wrong with me? Of course she'd never be with me. Who would want to be with me? I know I wouldn't if I was a girl.

I need to let her go. She will never be with me. Never ever. She wants this Blake guy. Of course she would. She would never like me. She never will. I just need to give up. Maybe I should go find someone else who could make me happy so that I won't look like a fool. Yeah, that'd be smart.

Why is it so hard for me to let her go? We were never together. I guess it's because I REALLY REALLY fancied her. Hell, I still do. This sucks. I don't like this pain anymore though. I need to get rid of it. So I get up and that's what I do...



"ALEXANDRA!" I yell obnoxiously loud waving around a bottle of Jack Daniels. I am outside of her bungalo. I met a girl at the bar and we really hit it off but then she slapped me because of Alexandra. I scream her name again but this time it's more pain filled.

"Shhhh! Harry? What're you doing here? It's 2 in the morning!" Alexandra says coming out of her front door. She looks really cold. She's in booty/baggy shorts that are a bright blue. She's wearing a black tank-top. Her hair is falling in waves along her back. You can tell curls are coming in too. She looks so amazing even now.

"Be-because of you, I d-didn't get l-laid," I slur out and she chuckles a little bit but looks confused at the same time. she walks towards me and takes the bottle of Jack out of my hand.

"Oi! That's mine!" I protest reaching for it.

"Well, now it's mine. C'mon, let's go inside so we don't freeze out here," she tells me and I don't protest because I am quite cold. We go inside of the bungalo and we walk down the hall to her room after she locks the front door.

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