Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I hope you are surely enjoying my story! Shout out to @leedleleedle18 for being the first person to comment! From now on favorite comment gets a shoutout or dedication(:


POV: Elizabeth

My cupcakes are going to be done in 5 minutes. I am excited. These should turn out really good. I really hope everyone likes them. I worked hard and if they dont then someone is going to be bitched out. No one messes with my cooking.

I take a seat up on the counter after cleaning up my mess as I hear the front door open and the shuffling of feet plus a couple of accents exchanging hi's. They must be here. I start panicking. I need to be cool. I can't ruin this. Good thing that I am in here. It gives me time to recollect myself.

I eavesdrop on their conversation in the living room. I laugh as it seems so awkward. Leave it to Alexandra to break the ice. Strange, she is usually the shy one. Oh well. That's when I hear the most amazing accent in the world. An Irish One.

I dont know what to do but he is coming this way.

I leave my area of eavsdropping and jump onto the counter again. I try to calm my area of freaking out and instead concentrate on my food which will be done soon.

I hear footsteps enter the kitchen but I ignore it as I already know who it is. He comes and stands next to me. "How much longer?" he asks me. "one minute." i respond. god we sound so normal together. We dont even say hi. "These cupcakes smell delicious. I'm guessing they're....vanilla?" he guesses. I nod. "Yeah, how'd you know?" i ask. "It's food." he answers. I look at him and laugh.

I guess the media is right. He for sure loves food.

The oven timer goes off and I jump down and put on my hot pads. I dont want to get burned. I turn off the oven and open it. I carefully grab the pan out and set it on the burners. I then close the oven and take off my hot pads setting them aside.

I turn around and Niall is already eating a cupcake. I look at him."It may be very hot but oh so very delicious." He tells me. "Thanks, but no more! I have to feed everyone out there plus make cookies." I say. His eyes brighten when I say cookies. "Can I help?" he asks. "As long as you stay away from the dough and cupcakes and not eat anything then yes." I respond. His eyes lighten up more. "Yes ma'am." he says soluting me like a soldier. I didnt think people in ireland did that.

We make the cookies and the whole time Niall complains that he can't eat them. It is rather annoying. I finally bargain saying that he can lick the spoon when we're done but he's then doing the dishes. He immediately tries to work faster but I slow him down to a normal pace. We want these to turn out good.

The oven was repreheated before while were making the dough. We grab a couple of cookie sheets and start rolling out the dough. We grease the sheets and start placing the cookies on the sheets. We cook two sheets at a time.

while Niall does the dishes he licks his spoon. I actually laugh at him. This is really strange because I never let loose like this. I'm usually calm, collected, even unafraid but being around Niall, I guess I'm different. I dont want to ruin his image of me. I havent even sworn in front of him! thats a miracle!

While we wait for the cookies to cook we decide to frost the cupcakes. "Whyre you so good at this?" he asks me. "I want to own my own bakery some day. I might as well start practicing now right?" i ask. He looks at me like i'm some rare artifact or maybe even the last piece of food on earth.

"You know how amazing it is to find a girl with goals now a days?" Niall says. I blush but thank god you cant see it because i am tan. "Not very rare around here. All of us girls have goals." i say. He smiles at me but before he can say anything, our last batch of cookies are done. I take out the first batch of cookies and I am about to take out the second one but Niall beats me to the punch.

That is also where he makes his mistake.

Niall forgot to put on oven mits. He must'e been too excited or something. He immediately touches the burning pan and takes it out. He doesnt even notice that he's burned himself badly until he closes the oven.

That's when Niall starts swearing up a storm. He is freaking out. "Get you hand under cold water!" I shout at him. It looks like he is on the verge of tears. I hurry and turn off the oven and I go over to inspect his wound. It is really bad. Unbelievably bad. It needs to get checked out.

Niall reaches over and grabs a sugar cookie with his freehand and starts eating it. I start grabbing my stuff to take Niall as Abigail walks in....


Didnt expect that to happen huh?

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