Chapter 22

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A/N: Last Chapter Guys(:


*POV: Niall*

One Year Later

“It’s weird to think how far that we’ve all come from the time that we met,” Liam says aloud and I have to admit that I agree with him. We are all sitting down around the table at Monica’s bungalo. It’s no longer Alexandra’s. She moved to London with Harry.

“Remember when Kristen was around?” Zayn laughs and a few chuckles erupt from around the table. We all despise that woman. Everyone has gotten around to forgiving Liam for what he did even though it took almost half a year and a lot of fighting. Louis is still only having little problems with him, but they’ve always fought.

“Those were the worst days of my life,” Alexandra speaks up, a bit of a British accent coming off. She was really born to live there. Everything just comes naturally to her. I’m really glad that her and Harry have gotten serious. Not as serious as Louis and Abigail though. They have promise rings. They don’t know when they’re going to go for a real ring, but they do know that they want to stay together, forever.

“I’m going to go and check on Thomas,” Monica says smiling politely and leaves the table after giving Zayn a kiss. That’s when we hear the child crying. Once Monica and Zayn got back together, they were having a lot of sex to catch up on all the times that they missed together and she happened to get pregnant. They baby come almost a month late but was perfectly fine and healthy. Zayn has told the fans about his son and they surprisingly accepted him into the family.

“You still planning on coming back to London with me Danny?” Alexandra asks her brunette friend who is leaning on Liam.

“’Course. I miss you tons and I can’t be away from Liam all that long,” she says as Liam snakes his arm around her shoulder, giving her a kiss. They just barely made the decision to move in together which is good because they’ve only been dating for maybe seven months. They seem really serious though and Danny doesn’t seem to worried about what may happen because Alexandra is out there too.

“Bon appetite,” Elizabeth says entering the dining room with her hands full of food. She sets down a turkey first since this is going to be our American Thanksgiving type thing. We’re going to do the real Thanksgiving in the U.K. at Harry’s place. I’m excited because Elizabeth has never been to London before.

“Louis! Abigail! Monica! Harry!” Alexandra yells once we hear the three in the living room shout over the football game going on in there. I would be watching it with them, but I’m too nervous about what I am going to do tonight. Soon enough though, Louis and Harry run into the dining room, laughing and shoving each other as Abigail comes in behind them laughing. I am so glad that those two are getting along again. It sucked to see them not talk at all. Next to enter the room is Monica with little baby Thomas in her arms. He has a binky in his mouth. He’s just barely starting to get little brown hairs. His skin is really tan and red, but that is to be expected. His parents are tan and he is a baby. He’s kind of chubby too, but not much. Zayn snakes his arm around Monica’s waist as Elizabeth brings out more food trays.

“Thanks for helping guys,” Elizabeth groans and I laugh as she sits down next to me.

“You especially,” she puts her finger on my nose and I smile at her cockily.

“You love me,” I tell her.

“For some odd reason, I do,” she responds and my smile grows bigger. I see that Harry and Alexandra are all cuddled up, holding hands and everything. Abigail and Louis just exchanged a kiss in front of us and she is sitting on his lap because he wont let her have her own chair.

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