Chapter 18

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A/N: I messed up the dates and I don’t know how. They have one more day before tour starts again. Sorry about that. Continue reading.

POV: Liam

I roll over in my bed and groan as I hear my phone going off.

“Hello?” I say, feeling bad because the person on the other line wont be able to understand me.

“Morning Liam. Did you sleep well?” the overly cheery voice of Kristen says through the line causing me to groan again.

“just fucking dandy,” I respond and get up. no way am I going to be able to go to sleep without having nightmares. I rub my fingers in my eyes.

“someone’s grouchy. So what’s on the agenda today?” she asks me.

“nothing. I told you that I am done,” I tell her as I walk to the bathroom.

“Good! We’re double dating with Monica and Zayn before dinner tonight,” she tells me overly perky. I cant help the flip flop that my heart does when I hear Monica’s name.

“I’m not going,” I deny

“Yes you are,” she says and I hang up. I am done. I don’t want to win Monica anymore. I love her. I don’t deny that. she can do so much better than Zayn. I don’t mean to be dissing on me best mate but he has a past and I only wish the best for people that I love. I don’t know if Zayn is the best but I don’t want to get in the middle of there relationship. That just isn’t who I am. I wasn’t joking when I said that I am done and that I am not going to that double date.

I take off my clothes and throw them off the floor. I walk over to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I cant believe the horrid person that I have turned into. Since when am I one to try and steal my best mates girl? This isn’t me.


Who is here? I groan and get out of my relaxing shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and turn off the water.

“Who is it?” I call out as I walk towards the door. I open it right as Zayn yells, “It’s us,” in response to my question. I stop dead in my tracks as my cheeks become flushed. Monica, Zayn and Kristen are standing at my door.

“Liam baby. Where’s your clothes?” she asks and I know that both the girl’s are looking at my stomache.

“I just got out of the shower,” I tell them.

“I told you to be ready by noon. It’s noon. What’re you doing still in the shower?” she says giving me a thumbs up in the background. I glare at her.

“I actually just woke up. I don’t remember you telling me any sorts that you’d be here at noon,” I try my best not to snap. I don’t know how well that has worked out.

“it’s fine mate. Just hurry it up okay?” Zayn says as he enters the room with Kristen and Monica following closely behind. I can tell that Monica is having a bit of a hard time not looking at me but Kristen does it with ease. I groan as I close the door. I walk towards my bed and pick up my clothes. I put them in a hamper and grab me some new ones. I walk towards my bathroom and quickly put them on. It’s just some jeans, boxers, and a t-shirt. I quickly comb my hair but there’s not much I can do with it since it is wet. I just sigh and put on my deodorant and cologne.

“you take forever,” Kristen says getting up, walking towards me as I enter the room. I groan as she wraps her arms around me and gives me a peck on the ear.

“Today’s your day with her. I’ll keep Zayn busy,” she whispers in my ear before pulling away. I look at her shocked.

“I’m agreeing,” Monica says and Zayn laughs with her. oh how I wish she was mine but I know that she’ll never be. she loves him and I really don’t want to interfere with that.

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