Chapter 16

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A/N: Since it took so long to post this one I am updating it twice in one day! Enjoy

Alex xx



“Hey gurl!” Monica says as she sees me.

“hey gurl hay!” I respond moving my arms outwards towards her in a waving motion causing Niall to laugh. I adore his laugh. I feel his arms snake around my waist and I shift uncomfortable for a moment. I’ve never had a guy put his arms around me just because he can. Or one that’ll steal a kiss whenever he can. I’ve only ever had those fun relationships where we have sex and that’s kind of it. Niall was that way at first but now he wants to stay and I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t mind a long term relationship with Niall. It isn’t going to last but I’m not going to complain. I’ve learnt to take what I can get in my family.

“So, Elizabeth, how’s life?” Monica asks me laughing.

“Ohmygod Monica!” I groan.

“is that all you know how to ask?” Niall asks curious, not to be rude.

“I’m just trying to start conversation,” Monica responds. I notice Zayn walking up towards Monica with Liam and Kristen on his heels. Abigial and Louis are somewhere on the boat but I don’t where. I watch Zayn intertwine his fingers with Monica’s. I laugh at how uncomfortable she looks causing everyone to look at me.

“Elizabeth is cray-cray,” Monica says.

“You know it!” I shout defiantly. The boat starts moving unexpectedly causing us to fumble a little bit. We look towards the steering wheel of the boat, fuck if I know what it is called, and see Louis with Abigail lingering behind him. they’re cute. We all make small chat as the boat is moving. Finally though, the boat decides to stop so we eat. Niall pigs out and so do I. he keeps smiling cheekily at me and I love it. I never thought that i, of all people, would be able to feel this way about someone. It surprises me.

“C’mon princess,” Niall says standing up and bringing me over to the other side of the boat. It bothers me that he called me princess. I don’t know why but it does.

“Let’s swim?” he asks taking off his shirt. His abs are delicious.

“Nah,” I say not in the mood. I don’t swim. It’s hard with my hair.

“But babe,” he whines.

“nah,” I say yet again.

“Suit yourself,” he says as he jumps into the water.

“Cramp! Princess I have a cramp!” Niall shouts as he comes up from under the water. I immediately get worried. If it was Monica I’d probably laugh but this is Niall. I strip my clothes and pull my hair up into a pony tail. I step on the edge and jump in. I come up and I don’t see Niall. I begin to freak out. Where is my irish boy? I splash around.

“Niall!” I shout. No response. I call out a few more times his name. I still get no response. I am about to start hyperventilating when I hear two splashes next to me. I turn to look at who it was. it’s just Monica and Liam. I hear laughing and I turn around but then there’s another splash causing it so I cant see. I quickly wipe my eyes and open them to see my laughing Irish man. Relief and anger flood over me.

“you should have seen your face!” he laughs. I splash him.

“Where the hell have you been!” I shout. He is still laughing.

“I was by the boat under the deck,” he says still laughing.

“I thought you had drowned or some shit!” I shout. He stops laughing.

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