Chapter 15

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POV: Monica

I awaken by myself, remembering last nights events. I remember his fingers caressing my body. I remember our hips rocking together. I remember him saying my name. I remember the pain I felt. I remember my fingers running through the back of his tousled hair. I remember us confessing our love for each other over and over again. I remember the tears that I tried so desperately to hold back. I remember never being happier in my life.

I just wrap my arms around my body tightly.

I eventually get up and slip on my clothes. I walk out and I see Zayn sipping tea. He doesn’t notice me at first but once he does his smile grows huge. He immediately gets up and walks over to me embracing me in a hug. I return it easily.

“Jesus, it smells so weird in here,” I say and Zayn chuckles.

“That’s the scent of sex,” he says and I mentally facepalm myself. How could I not know that? For reals Monica? Ugh.

“Oh,” is my brilliant response as he chuckles more. He gives me a peck on the lips before going back to sit down. I join him.

“So, love, what would you like to do today?” he asks me as I lean into him.

“Well, we could go to a-“ I begin to say but am immediately cut off by Zayn’s phone ringing. He sighs and checks the caller.

“its Liam. Hello?” he says answering the phone.

“um yeah. Sure. We’d love to,” he says again. I listen but I cant hear Liam.

“who else?”

“Whats needed?”


“We’ll be there,”

“Mhm. See you soon. Bye,” he says finally hanging up. I look at him expectantly.

“Liam invited us to go boating with him, Kristen, Elizabeth, Niall, and Abigail and Louis,” he informs me.

“Oh. That sounds fun,” I reply.

“yeah, we need to get ready,” he tells me.

“but I’m comfy,” I whine. He chuckles.

“Believe me babe, I am too,” he says giving me a peck on the lips. This is a really long peck. I love how it’s nice and gentle. I like that.

“I love you,” he tells me.

“I love you too,” I whisper. He grins widely.

“I will never get used to saying that to you,” he says.

“I will never get used to someone telling me that,” I respond.

“c’mon babe. Lets get ready,” he tells me standing up. I nod. I get up myself and head for the shower.

“I’ll pack some food since I already showered love,” zayn tells me whilst grabbing his keys.

“don’t be long!” I shout as I turn on the water. I love the way it feels against my skin. I sit there and think a lot. Finally though, I wash myself off. No way do I want to spend the day with so many people smelling like sex. That just wouldn’t be okay.

I wonder if Zayn and I’s relationship is going to change now? are we going to get intimate more often? Is he going to become distant? Are we going to tell each other we love the other every chance we get? Are we going to spend more time together? What is going to happen when he goes on tour? Is everything going to change for better or worse? does this make us more serious than we were?

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