Chapter 4

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sorry! i have been so busy guys! i promise that i have many chapters to upload! just stupid drama in my life making me wanna cry. oh well. this is a romantic chapter. well. kinda. enjoy though(:


POV: Abigial

God Monica is so lucky! I mean, she is best friends with Liam Payne of One Direction and now her crush from that exact band is sitting with her on the floor. It ain't right. At all. I glare at them even though I shouldn't be complaining because I am sitting next to my One Direction crush and Liam plus Harry isn't to far away. He is sitting in the corner of the L shaped couch right by where Alexandra is laying down. She must be freaking out but hiding it so well. Ugh. I cant be in this room.

I smell cookies.

YUUUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elizabeth's cookies are absolutely the best! Plus I'm curious about what's going on with her and Niall and I don't want to be in this room. The cookies give me a reason to leave.

So I get up and walk away and walk into the kitchen walking in on something that I didnt want to see in a million years. Something so disgusting and heartbreaking. Something unbearable.

Niall Horan was bleeding badly.

What happened? Why is he bleeding? Why is Elizabeth dressed all nice? Why is his hand under the water? So many more questions race through my mind but I need to ask the obvious one.

"Ohmygosh. Niall? Are you okay?" I ask once I see the tears streaming down his face. "I'm going to run him to the hospital. It's really bad." Elizabeth answers for him. "I can see that. What happened?" I ask. "I got to excited and forgot to put on the oven mits." Niall says with pain lingering in his voice. He. Burned. His. Hand. Badly.

"What can I do to help?" I ask automatically. "Can you finish frosting my treats?" she asks me unsure of her decision. I nod. "Of course I can." "Thanks." she says then grabs an ice pack and Niall and leaves this places. Niall grabs a cupcake on the way out though. I giggle.

They left the water on. Great. That is just such a waste! I mean, really? Uh no. I go and turn it off. what I see going down the drain shocks me though. Their is literately blood. Elizabeth wasn't lieing when she said that it was really bad. geesh.

"What happened?" a voice says startling me. I hide my shock and turn around. "Niall burned himself badly and Elizabeth is running him to the hospital." I answer. "Is our Nialler okay? Should we go with them?" Louis says freaking out. I love how concerned he is. "No. Elizabeth has it all under control. He should be okay." I answer him trying to ease away some of his worry.

"Can I help?" he asks me. i fangirl inside. A popstar is talking to me and asking if I need help. Well that didn't come out right. oh well. i am too excited to care! Louis Tomlinson wants to help me!

"Um yeah. Start frosting the cupcakes!" I tell him. He doesn't hesitate to begin working. It's amazing how hard he works. How hard he concentrates. I love it! Plus he gets all upset when he makes a mistake. It's so cute.

I find it particularly cute when he messes up this one time. He gets his knife stuck in the frosting! I laugh at him. He finally gets the knife out of the frosting after two or so minutes and the frosting gets me in the face! I gasp! "Hey!" i scream at him.

He laughs at me. God he has such a great laugh. "I am so sorry." he says. "It's okay." I lie to him. I need revenge. that's why i wait until he is preoccupied with frosting cupcakes again when i set my plan into motion. I dig my fingers into the frosting when he isn't looking and walk up behind him and slide the frosting all over his face.

He turns around and he has a look of pure shock on his face. Oh no. "You dare?" he asks me with anger in his voice. Oh no. oh no oh no oh no. this is bad. this is very bad. "I uh um..." i begin but stop as he says "You dare try to outfrost the frosting king?" i smile feeling relieved. "Yes I do dare." I say.

That is when our war begins.

Frosting is literately everywhere flying through the air as we try to hide from eachothers blows but it doesnt work for we are trying to hard to get eachother. we are laughing so hard and honestly, i dont know who is more caked. We laugh even harder as I fall on the floor because I slip on some frosting.

"okay...we stop..." he tries to get through but is laughing too hard. he still continues though with, "we finish...frosting..." i laugh at his attempt. "I know I know. We dont want to run out nor disappoint Niall and Elizabeth." i finish for him. he nods.

We get up and immediately get to working. One cupcake doesn't get any frosting though because their isn't enough so we share it. "we need to serve these." i say and he agrees. whats monica going to think? i mean, her little sister's crush and he sister come out covered in frosting and laughing. isnt that the least bit suspicious? oh well. we walk out with the treats in our hands....


1) what should the ship names be?

2) did you like the frosting fight? or should i have gone into more detail?

3) what do you think of the girls now that you have been in every single one of their minds?

4) did you enjoy?

well i love you guys. Dont forget to check out my other story 'The Decision(A Harry Styles Fanfiction)'

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