Chapter 14

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POV: Alexandra

I blink my eyes open but sleep does not want to leave them. I know that it's light outside but in this moment I do not care. I was up all night. So I toss and turn but stop once I hear this crunching noise. What the fuck? I sit my head up and I see that there is a note on my bed. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open it.


hello love. Did you sleep well? I sure thought so from how you were this morning. I went out to get us some breakfast. Is that okay? I'll be back soon my lovely girlfriend. Oh and goodmorning gorgeous<3

harry xx


I smile as I read the note. What a goof. Most girls would kill to have Harry say these kinds of things to them though. I better enjoy it whilst it lasts which I hope is a very long time. I reread the note at least 10 times before what he said gets into my head. He's coming back with breakfast any minute!

I jump out of my bed and turn on my music immediately. I always do. I run to my closet and pull out a nice outfit. I shall wear my torn skinny jeans today since I haven't shaved my legs yet. Hmmm...what shirt? Oooh! I like this one! It is a simple black shirt that has sleeves that go to my mid-forearm. Its also shorter in the front and the sides on it are cut into a cool design. I put on my best friend necklace that me and Danny have. I put on all of my bracelets. I brush through my hair. I am just putting on my make-up when I hear a knock at the door. Woot! Just in time.

"Harry, you don't have to knock. Just come in," I say walking towards the door with a goofy grin. I don't even take more than three steps when the door is burst open. In comes striding a Louis Tomlinson and he looks distressed. He closes the door.

"Why would Harry be here?" he asks me whilst pacing.

"Hi to you too Louis. Harry and I were just going to go out and get coffee to get over the hangovers we have. What're you doing here tommo? Arent you supposed to be with Abigail?" I question. I cant believe I lied to him but I don't know if Harry wants us to tell anyone.

"Ah makes sense," he says stopping but looking confused. I am seriously getting worried. It's not like Louis to be so.....troubled.

"Lou?" I question. He looks at me and sighs. He plops himself on my bed and I sit next to him. I wrap my arms around him comfortingly.

"What's wrong?" I ask him when I pull away.

"i-I had no one to go to. Abigail would kill me. Harry is flirting with other lass' to much to pay attention," I flinch at his Harry comment but he doesn't notice and continues, "and the couples are to immersed in each other to want to know."

"okay so speak," I respond. He looks at me with a sort of pleading in his eyes and it kills me to see him so distressed.

"you know who Liam's date from last night is?" he starts.

"Kristen. Shes such a sweet girl," I say with a duh look on my face. He shakes his head in disgust.

"She's my crazy fucking psycho stalker ex," he tells me and I am shocked by the hatred in his voice.

"w-w-w-wait what?" I say uncomprehending.

"I dated Kristen for awhile. I thought I might of loved her. I really did at one point but then she kind of....changed. she became one of the crazy obsessed directioners who was threatening everyone I loved, even my family. Plus all she wanted to do was have sex which wasn't so bad but I want more in a relationship than that. The breakup was quite difficult and I had to deal with looking like an ass in front of everyone. Talk about horrid," he states.

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