Chapter 21

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*POV: Louis*

“You okay Alexandra?” I ask as we are all sitting at the table for breakfast. I can definitely feel the glare that Abigail is giving me, but I don’t even care at this point. No one else seems to notice the pain that she is going through.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Not hungry. That’s all,” she says very out of it, still just moving her food around on her plate. She picks up a piece, but looks disgusted and puts it down. I immediately feel bad for her. Fucking Kristen. She just had to come and fucking ruin everyone’s lives. I shouldn’t even be talking to Alexandra anymore. She probably hates me.

“Alexandra! Honey! There you are,” Danny screams, walking into the house and walking over to the fragile girl. The moment that she sees her best friend, she starts to cry again. Danny immediately hugs her and leads her out of the room.

“Might as well go join them,” Abigail coughs and I slam my fist on the table.

“Liam better hurry the fuck up,” I growl through my teeth at no one in particular. I’m getting sick of this shit. Why couldn’t she just trust me? No one would be in this fucking situation!

“You guys just need to shut the fuck up and stop with this shit now,” Elizabeth says surprising me.

“I’m going to agree with me woman. You guys have such a good relationship. Don’t let it go because of this,” Niall argues. Abigail and I just look at each other with such regret and anger.

“I wish I could,” she says on the verge of tears and gets up, leaving the table. I immediately stand up and follow her out of the room. She heads into her room and I follow her in.

“Abby?” I say, calling her something different for the first time. I know that she hates being called Abigail so I always called her that in a playful tone. Her head slowly comes up and she looks at me, with tears in her beautiful eyes.

“What do you want Louis?” she asks.

“I want you baby,” I tell her truthfully and walk over to her.

“And I want you too, but I can’t have that if you’re cheating on me,” she cries out and I wrap my arms around her, despite my anger. She, surprisingly, doesn’t resist and just cries into my shirt. I rub little circles on her back, calming her.

“I promise you that I didn’t cheat on you love,” I whisper and she lifts her head.

“I don’t know if I should believe that you are or not anymore,” she says and I squeeze her tighter and kiss her on the forehead. She finally wraps her arms around me too.

“Liam and Harry are here,” Monica says opening the door to let us know. She looks a bit confused, but I’m not going to answer any questions. Abby pulls away from me and looks at me. I bend down and kiss her, softly, because as far as I know, this may be our last one. We both pull apart though and she gets up to go make herself more presentable.

“Are you still mad at me?” I ask her once she’s ready. She looks over at me and she looks so torn.

“I guess we’ll know after the talk with Liam,” she whispers and I nod in understanding. I haven’t cheated on her though and I hope that she’ll realize that after today. She must forgive me.

“Lets go then,” I tell her and she nods this time. We both leave the room, side by side, not touching. We finally make our way to the living room to see Alexandra as red faced as Abby, a pissed of Danny, Monica and Zayn, Niall and Elizabeth, Harry, and Liam. We sit on the couch by each other and stay silent, all of us looking at Liam as Kristen enters the bungalo.

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