Ch. 2|Food for Thought

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"Hey Baby Girl it's your daddy here and I just want to let you know that I'm extremely proud of you" my dad spoke, "you're in the 6th grade now! And I want you to remember that the sky is the limit, I love you baby no matter what."

I turned the home video off and sat in complete silence.

I miss my daddy but I hate seeing him in the predicament he's in.

Five years back my father was wrongfully convicted of assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. There was no proof that this event took place but they allegedly had enough evidence to throw him behind bars.

My Dad has a history of run-ins with the police because he was and still is an advocate for justice in the city of Los Angeles. His journey started way back in 1991 after the Rodney King riots.

He stepped up and became the big homie to those that didn't have anybody. And later on he became a father figure to many fatherless children throughout the years, was always there to help anyone in need, faithfully went to church every Sunday and even gave the message every now and then and he also teamed up with other neighborhood heroes to organize conventions for children to encourage, lift and pray for them during life's journey.

The police thought that taking him out the game would cause the community to revert back to what it was but a lot of people are still keeping his dream and mission alive after all this time.

My dad is a really good dad and I went to visit him a lot but after three years, it finally sunk in. He can't take me to school or show me how to drive, protect his family, etc... I can't take my daddy home with me, I have to leave him behind these big scary bars with people that he doesn't know.

I've heard stories where some inmates just don't make it out alive and because of that, not only did I stop visiting him but I also could no longer talk to him on the phone. I wasn't able to hear his voice and I didn't want him to hear the brokenness in mine. I do write him and he faithfully writes me back every time but as of lately he's been asking me to come see him and I can't.

I know I'm being selfish but I'll be ready one day. I have to work up to it.

I heard my front door open and close but my mom shouldn't be home until later.

I got up from my bed and walked to the front room and it was in fact my mom.

"Hey Ma, what are you doing home so early?" I asked her.

"I volunteered to conduct the women's Bible Study tonight and I wanted to be prepared so I got off of work early" she smiled.

"Oh okay."

"How was your day my love?" She asked.

"It was okay, I have a letter to send daddy" I told her.

"Leave it out so I can drop it off at the post office before I go to church later" she told me.

"Yes ma'am I will" I said.

I sat down on the couch and she joined me.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"No I'm more tired than I am hungry" she laughed.

My mom works double after double and then faithfully goes to see my father every Monday and Saturday.

If anyone deserves to be tired, she does.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.


"Can I go to the last party of the summer this weekend?" She asked.

"Are you going with Quincy?" She asked.

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