Ch 21| Men Cry in the Dark

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"D, clock out!" My coworker Jordan told me.

"Alright!" I exclaimed, wrapping up what I had going on.

I finished taking down inventory and stuck it on the announcement board for my supervisor to take care of when she clocks in, in the morning.

I took my headset and my apron off and threw them in my locker.

"Is it still raining outside?" I asked aloud.

"Nah but I think the busses stopped running because there's a flash flood warning." Jordan answered.

"Y'all don't need nobody to work overtime?" I laughed but was still very serious.

If I could work overtime and get off when Jordan gets off then I know I had a guaranteed ride home. Well not home but the liquor store, around the corner from my building.

"Nah boss man is already talking about cutting hours this Monday and Tuesday coming up" Gina spoke.


"Because the weather has been so rough, ain't nobody really trying to leave the house to go to no drive-thru and the company would be losing money if they had all of these employees working and no customers." Gina spoke.

When I first started working here, Gina didn't really like me. She thought I was one of those high schoolers that get a job to pay for their shoes and clothes all while snatching hours up from people that were actually trying to make it.

Yes, I'm trying to get money to pay for prom but I've been pushing it off because I know we still need groceries at home. My mom and Calvin swear they have it handled but I don't mind helping out especially because I can.

Gina saw that I wasn't really like that and she kind of took me under her wing. People always make jokes about fast food workers but if you listen close enough, they all have a story to tell.

She's what I would like to call, my work mom.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I asked. "I take the bus home and the buses aren't even running."

"I get off in like two hours so I can take you home if you don't mind waiting" she told me.

"Nah I don't, thank you for that."

"You know I got you" she smiled before going to the back to wash dishes.

I went in the back to the break room and laid my head on the table. This would've been a perfect time to get some homework done.

Between school, this crappy weather and this job, it's so hard not to take a nap every chance I get.

And I know it's important that I stay focused on my studies but baby I can't do both.

"You want something to eat D?" Jordan asked me.

There was so much food about to go to waste tonight because it was slow.

Everyone was pretty much using this time to do some deep cleaning because there wasn't anything else to do.

"Nah I'm good thank you though" I answered Jordan. He left the break room and I lied my head back on the table.

Ever since I got back on my basketball tip I've been trying to watch what I eat.

Junk food really does slow you down on the court. And being unhealthy makes your workouts worse than what they should be.

"Diamond, 'ole boy is outside!" I heard Jordan yell from the front, "I think he's here to take you home."

I gathered all of my things and walked up to the front to see who he was talking about.

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