Ch.9|No More Rain

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"We're leaving in fifteen!" Diamond yelled from the other side of the bathroom door, "breakfast is on the table."

"Alright I'll be out in a minute!" I answered.

I turned the shower off and pulled the curtain back.

It's been a while since I've slept in a real bed and had the opportunity to take a hot shower that was longer than 7 minutes.

I dried off, put some lotion and deodorant on and threw my clothes on.

Since I didn't show up at the shelter last night, I gotta make sure I'm there early to register a spot for tonight. After I drop Diamond and Lala off at school, that's my next stop.

I put all of my things in my backpack and left the bathroom.

"About time" Diamond said as I joined her in the kitchen.

"It was like a sauna in there" I laughed.

"How'd you sleep last night?" she asked.

"Like a baby" I confessed, "I was able to let my guard down and just knock out."

"I could tell" she chuckled, "You were snoring like nothing else in the world mattered."

"I'm sorry" I laughed.

"Don't be sorry, I was happy for you."

"Back to the real world tonight though" I said as I sat at the table.

"You don't have to go back if you don't want to" she spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What if you stayed?" She asked, "I wouldn't mind and you know how my mom feels about you."

"Now you sound like you're reading me a fairytale" I joked.

"What's hard to believe?" She asked, "why stay on the streets when you can just stay here?"

"I don't want to overstep my boundaries and I also feel like if I stayed with you it'll cause strain on our friendship and I like having you as a homie" I told her.

Friends like Diamond are hard to come across and I don't want to lose her.

It would be nice to not have to worry about having my stuff stolen but at the same time, I don't want to impose on anyone else.

I silently said my grace and began to dig into my food.

"Calvin" Diamond whined.

"I hear you Diamond but I'm not listening" I told her.

"Is it pride?" She asked.

"Pride?" I laughed, "never that!"

"Then whats stopping you?" She asked.

Pride is stopping me but I'm not giving her the satisfaction by confessing to that.

"Diamond please" I said.

"All I'm saying is you got somebody to help you so why not accept it?" She asked.

I looked at the time and it was almost time for us to go.

"Is Lala awake?" I asked her.

"Yeah she's up and she's dressed."

"Alright leave the dishes, I'll wash them when we come back after you get out of school."

"Or you can just come back after you drop me off and wash the dishes?" She smiled as she threw me her keys.

"Diamond" I said sternly.

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