Ch.8| Stay Golden

546 37 5

1 week later

"Where did I put the spatula?" I asked aloud, "I literally just had it."

This is why I prefer my mom in the kitchen because I'm always losing something.

I opened the drawer, it wasn't there and I looked in the sink just to be sure but it wasn't there either.

"Did I drop it in the greens?" I laughed to myself.

Before I could check the Mac and cheese, the house phone rang. It's probably Calvin to tell me he's outside.

Phone Conversation

Diamond: "Hello?"

Automated Voice Message: "This is a collect call from Monty at the California State Correctional Facility, do you accept these charges?"

Diamond: "Yes I accept."

Monty: "Hello?"

Diamond: "Hey daddy"

Monty: "Lady Bug! How are you?"

Diamond: "I'm okay"

Monty: "how are you?"

Diamond: "I'm doing fine, how are you?"

Monty: "I'm good, I'm so happy to hear your voice."

Diamond: "I'm happy to hear yours too, I know you called for Ma but she went to the church about an hour ago to set up for Bible  Study."

Monty: "It's okay, I'm glad that I'm able to finally talk to my baby girl, my one and only."

Diamond: "Do you know when you come home?"

Monty: "I do."

Diamond: "When?"

Monty: "I don't want you or your mom counting down the days, I want you to stay focused on school and know that I love you no matter what, alright?"

Automated Voice Message: "4 minutes remaining."

Diamond: "Alright."

Monty: "Just know that talking to God for all these years has helped me a lot, I'm gon be fine!"

Diamond: "I'm already knowing!"

Monty: ""You still reading The Word?"

Diamond: "Everyday"

Monty: "That's my girl! You know God has gotten us through many situations and he's going to get us through this one too."

Diamond: "Yes He Will! I'm hopeful!"

Monty: "When Lorenzo came to see me, he told me that you two have been hanging out a lot lately, he mentioned something about Lala's brothers getting into some trouble Wassup with that?"

Diamond: "Lorenzo has been looking out for me and Lala, his cousin Calvin too. I can't tell you much about the situation with Titi and Keanu because they aren't speaking up but the system that we've developed where everyone is always looking out for eachother, works for us."

Monty: "Im going to get you guys out of those projects. Word is bond, cause I don't like that right there, it's not sitting right with me."

Diamond: "I wish they would just tell us what happened but everyone is thinking that someone probably threatened them."

Automated Voice Message: "30 seconds left"

Monty: "Listen, I don't want this phone cutting off on you but I want to let you know that I'm doing fine in here and I'll be home sooner than you know okay?"

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