Ch.12| Sweet Child o' Mine

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The file is on my desk correct?" I heard Tracy out in the hallway.

"Yes ma'am and you also have a meeting in about 45 minutes with the city of La to discuss funding for all recreational centers in the county."

"I'll take my lunch now and I'll be ready in time for the meeting" she answered as she opened her office door.

"Alright I'll be just a call away if you need anything else" the woman said.

"Thank you so much sweetie."

As soon as Tracy looked to the left of her office and saw me her smile quickly faded.

"Surprised?" I chuckled.

Tracy was supposed to call me back so we could meet up and discuss Calvin but she didn't call me and after a countless voicemails I decided to do a pop up.

She closed the door and took a deep breath.

"No, you always knew where to find me" Tracy said as she looked me up and down.

She always loved this ol' dilapidated recreation center when we were kids. I never understood why but what makes sense to her does not need to be explained to me.

"And don't you ever forget it" I told her.

"I heard you got the place after Mr.Eddie passed away" I said, "I guess it wouldn't have been right to give it to anybody else but you."

"Dee, what happened now? Do you need a place to stay? Is Diamond in trouble or something?"

"Or something?" I laughed. "That's not the way you're supposed to ask about your goddaughter now is it?"

"I don't have the time for this so let's cut to the chase" she said as she sat down at her desk, "you want me to welcome Calvin back home with open arms and apologize for being a trifling mother, am I right?"

"No you're not right" I said, "the Tracy I know would've never kicked her baby boy out if she didn't absolutely have to."

"It wasn't my house so I wasn't the one who kicked him out, it was his grandmother."

"Well if she was kicking him out you should've been leaving right with him instead of letting him be on the streets."

"On the streets? My son wasn't on no streets Dei'dra so you better just check yourself there" she snapped.

"Where'd you think he was going to go, if not the streets?"

"He was supposed to use that drug money and get him a place to stay" she snapped.

"With what credit? Huh?"

"From the time that Calvin was born you were always trying to tell me how to parent. My relationship with my son is not your business! It's mine!" She yelled.

"When your husband was going through it where was he? My house! When you would disappear for weeks at a time where was Calvin? My house!" I yelled, "so yes I get a say in how your carelessness and lack of affection has messed up Calvin when he was the innocent one in the situation."

"That's not fair, I was dealing with some things and you know that!"

"You asked for help and I gave that to you but when you got high and mighty you robbed me of having a relationship with you and your family so how was I supposed to feel?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Why did you ex me out of your life when all I tried to do was help you?" She asked.

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