Ch. 17| Give me a Break

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Fortunately the storm blew over and we were able to leave on schedule.

"Come on y'all so we can pray!" Keion said.

I grabbed my bags and Diamond's too and took them to the van.

"Everybody got everything?" Keion asked.

"I think we're all straight" Adam answered.

"First I want to thank everyone for putting what y'all had going on, on pause to be here for Nia and I during this special time" he started.

"There's no place we'd rather be" Marcel smiled.

"We've known a lot of you for quite some time but even those that are new to our lives..." he said as he dapped me up, "we appreciate you too."

"Now is the time where some of us have to depart and go our separate ways so let's come together as family and pray" Keion spoke, "Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for this opportunity that you have given us to come together and celebrate love. Lord, we ask that we all get home safely whether some be traveling by plane, train or vehicle. We pray for your hedge of protection to be upon everyone here. Thank you for everyone here and we just pray that we all walk away feeling encouraged, blessed and strengthened in Jesus name Amen."

"Amen" we all said in unison.

"Your hands are so sweaty" Diamond said as she slapped Adam upside his head and ran to the van.

"Baby did you see what she just did?" He asked Jada.

"I must've blinked, I didn't see anything" she laughed.

"I can't stand y'all" he said as he followed them to the van.

"Aye I call front seat!" Lono yelled, running after them.

"Yo Cal!" Tyreke called, getting my attention.

"What's going on?"

"I made some calls early this morning" he spoke, "when you get back to La call this number and tell them who you are, they'll take care of you from there."

"I appreciate it bro bro, I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Just by doing the best you can do" he answered.

I dapped him up.

"It was nice meeting you" I told him.

"It was nice meeting you too. Stay in touch y'heard?"

"No doubt!" I answered before we parted ways.

I immediately took my phone out and saved the phone number that he gave me.

Last night everyone was talking about what profession they were in and the pros and cons that come with them.

Tyreke is an architect and when he said that, my eyes lit up like a kids in the candy store.

In high school architect was my passion. I'd always sketch crazy buildings that I wanted to see built one day.

I always dreamt of having my own company but I knew it'd require lots of education and money that I didn't have but I'm still dreaming.

But as exciting as architecture seems, I still like my construction job too. It allows me to be hands on, the money is good and projects can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

The only downside is that if I get hurt on the job then all my medical bills come out of pocket and since I can't afford a place to stay at the moment, I can guarantee that I can't afford to pay any medical bills.

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