Ch.14|What do you do?

415 23 14

Big Bear, Day 2/7

Diamond: 2am

After tossing and turning for what felt like an hour, I decided that it's time for me to get up out of this bed.

I'm not sure who turned the heater on but I woke up sweating from head to toe.

If I didn't mind catching pneumonia I'd go outside and sit in the snow. That's how hot this room is feeling.

I sat up and put my feet into my slippers.

"You good?" Calvin asked as I got up.

Calvin will be knocked out but as soon as he senses movement, he's up and alert.

It's probably from having to constantly worry about his surroundings when he was on the streets.

"Yeah I'm good, I'm just getting water" I told him.

I got my prayer journal out of my backpack and went directly to the kitchen.

Lala is my sister and the little tension between her and I is not going to cut it.

Everyone in my friend group hold a special place in my heart.

I value the friendship I have with Quincy, Lala, Lono and Calvin.

It doesn't matter how long or how little I've known them, they all have made a difference in my life. It upsets me that no matter how hard Quincy and I work at being and staying on good terms, it never seems to stick.

I remember one day I went to Bible Study and the pastor was talking about people and seasons.

Everyone isn't meant to be in your life forever. Sometimes they were meant to be there for a season. And that scared me because like I said, I love everyone in my circle and I'd hate to see them go.

Quincy and I keep holding onto each other and I feel like he may be one of those people that I need to learn how to love from a distance.

He's my oldest friend but we allowed the desires of our flesh to make things complicated.

Yes, we were younger but I knew better and he did too.

"Shhh you're going to wake everyone up" I heard someone whisper.

"Let's just hurry up and get it before we make too much noise" I heard a man respond.

Now who could it be, creeping in the middle of the night?

The stove light wasn't bright enough to light up the entire kitchen so I was still struggling to see who was headed this way.

I heard shuffling and then the refrigerator door opened and that's when I saw Tyreke and Melody.

They were so into each other that they didn't notice me sitting right here.

They were just giggling and whispering.

"Ummm" I said to get their attention.

Melody literally screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Woah!" Tyreke said as he closed his robe.

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