Ch.23|Never Leave

244 15 2

(2 weeks later)


"Slow, slow, slow" Lono told me as I turned the corner.

"The speed limit is 25, why would I slow down to turn?" I asked as I kept driving forward.

"You're not serious" he laughed.

"What?" I laughed.

Lorenzo has been teaching me how to drive for the past two weeks. I took a written drivers ed course and I passed it. Soon after, I took my written test at the dmv and passed that too.

My appointment for the behind the wheel test is coming up next week and I just want to be as prepared as possible.

Today, I drove Lono to the barbershop so he could get a haircut. We went to get his car washed and then I took him to the gas station to get air in his tires.

"You're going to fail this test if you don't tighten up" he laughed.

The goal is to get my license before I graduate.

I don't want to be the only college student without their license, that's so embarrassing.

"Merge on the freeway" he instructed.

"On the WHO?!" I exclaimed.

"The freeway is easier than the road, just trust me."

"But what about this LA traffic?" I whined.

"It's only 12, there's no traffic" he laughed.

I pulled up to the stop light that was right before the freeway.

As we sat there for a few minutes, my heart was about to pound out of my chest.

"Please don't make me get on this freeway" I begged.

"Girl we're getting off on the next exit, just get on the freeway" he said.

The light turned green and I merged onto the freeway.

"I think the speed limit is 65 on the freeway but I just drive with the speed of traffic but don't do that when the instructor is in here" he laughed.

"In here? You gon let me use your car?" I smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?" He retorted.

"I would take my hands off the wheel to hug you but I don't want to you know...crash."

"Yeah we wouldn't want that" he laughed.

I rode the freeway for all of 10ish minutes before getting off on the next exit.

"Drive up to Randy's" he told me.

We pulled up to Randy's Donuts and there was the fattest line ever.

"We're really about to wait in this drive thru line?" I asked.

"Nah turn your hazards on, double park and I'll go get them" he told me.

The rules for double parking weren't in the drivers manual but I don't think I'm supposed to do this. It's his car and it'll be his ticket too.

I parked right in front of Randy's and turned the hazard lights on like he told me.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"I want a s'mores donut" I told him.

"I'm getting a dozen so pick five more" he told me.

"2 s'mores, 2 red velvet and 1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch and 1 M&M."

"Alright lock the door, I'll be right back" he told me before walking to the line.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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