Ch. 11| Thanks for Nothing

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I made the conscious decision to not invite Malika to thanksgiving dinner.

Even though she tried everything and I do mean EVERYTHING to convince me to let her come with me, I wanted tonight to be comfortable for everyone.

Diamond and I aren't speaking right now but I still want her to be comfortable.

I was only heated about what she said because it felt like a shot to my manhood and it's irritating me so much because we just got back on good terms.

"Im about to set the table" I told my mom.

"Thank you sweetie" she smiled.

"It's almost 5 where's Diamond and Aunti D?" I asked.

Keion and Nia have been here since this morning but Diamond and her Mom are nowhere to be found. Normally they'd be here prepping the food with my Mom but they aren't here.

"They we're running a bit late but they will all be here in a few."

"You mean they'll both be here in a few?" I asked.


"You said they will all be here but there's only two people coming" I corrected.

"No what I meant w-..." my mom was cut off by the doorbell.

"Can you go get that for me baby?" She asked me.

"I got it" Keion yelled from the front.

Secretly, I was nervous to see Diamond. What if our friendship is really over this time?

We have more bad days than we do good and I know I've been more than selfish in the past but I never want to see what Diamond and I have end.

She says things that get on my nerves and I do things that get on here and that's where we always have a problem. Sometimes she's wrong and other times it's me but I'm willing to put our differences aside if that means we have the ability to see eye to eye.

"Hey Wassup bro" Keion greeted someone at the door, I know he's not talking to Diamond or her mom like that, so who is that?

"Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!" Auntie Dee explained as she came into the dining room and gave me a hug.

"Happy Thanksgiving Auntie." Her and my mom went off into the kitchen to do what they do best, chit chat.

Diamond came and put a pan of Mac and cheese on the table.

"Hey" she said dryly.


"You still mad?" She smirked.

"Yeah cause you kicked me out after taking a shot at my manhood."

"If you would've given me a chance to explain myself then I would've told you what I meant" she whispered, "it was the repercussions that I regret."

"What? What repercussions are you talking about? I was safe, we were safe" I retorted.

"Lower your voice" she whispered.

"Help me understand what you mean cause I don't follow."

"How about let's keep it in the past like we agreed to do and not talk about it, especially not right now" she snapped.

"You can't expect me to forget this because I really need to know what you mean by repercussions."

"I mean.."

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