Sleeping Beauty just woke up

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Jisung was wandering around the brunette's house, drinking whatever he could get his hands on

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Jisung was wandering around the brunette's house, drinking whatever he could get his hands on. He got pretty drunk and collapsed in one of the thousand rooms in the house, completely devastated.

«God, who invited all these people?» Minho wondered, flopping onto the bed.

«Ugh,» someone groaned, rolling onto their side.

«Oh, shit, sorry,» Minho apologized, jumping up abruptly when he noticed Jisung half-conscious on his bed.

«I feel like utter crap,» Jisung groaned, squirming again. Minho realized he was very, very drunk. Wasted.

«God, Jisung, are you alright?» the blondie shook his head. Minho reached over, brushing a strand of hair off his forehead; he was in such a state that Minho's words came out muffled and confused.

«You should puke, mate, it sucks but it'll make you feel better,» Jisung grunted in response, too busy suffering the pain.

«Can't» he said, the pain so bad that grammar wasn't his top priority.

«Alright, come on, I'll take you to the bathroom,» Minho said, taking him bride-like, expecting him to be much heavier than he was. He laid him down in front of the toilet, letting him kneel in front of it, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't even muster a gag. Minho sighed and decided to gently shove two fingers down his throat, making him throw up everything he'd absorbed  during the night. It was not a pretty sight. Meanwhile the blondie had been vomiting away even his soul Minho washed his hands.

He wondered if he should've taken him to the hospital.

After about twenty minutes, Jisung's stomach had emptied again, though he still felt terrible. Headache and confusion reigned inside his head, but at least now he could formulate a proper sentence.

«Better?» Minho asked, taking his face in his hands. Jisung nodded weakly, then Minho gave him a little smile. He handed him a toothbrush with toothpaste, helping him brush his teeth.

He was so devastated that as soon as Minho escorted him back to bed, he slumped down and fell asleep immediately.


Jisung woke up in a hospital room, completely stunned. It took him a moment to get his bearings and adjust to the bright light of the room. He smelled a strong whiff of disinfectant and heard the steady beep of a monitor.

«Dude, you finally woke up!» Felix exclaimed, enveloping him in a spontaneous hug.

«Easy, easy, why am I here?»

«Because you were so drunk that Minho thought you'd gone into an alcoholic coma. You didn't, but you came pretty close.» His friend explained looking at him with a disapproving face.

«Minho said you were curled up in his bed, doubled over in pain, so he helped you throw up, and then we all brought you here» all that info only made his head throb even more. He felt like shit curled up in that hospital bed.

«Shit, my parents will kill me if they find out» Jisung said, running a hand through his hair.

«Don't worry about them, they don't know yet. Worry about Chris instead; he's proper livid. Hang on, I'll go get the others.»

«Sleeping Beauty just woke up» Minho commented as he entered the room, and Jisung rolled his eyes. Did he really have to talk to him? If he nearly went into an alcoholic coma, it was because of him.

«As soon as you're feeling better, we need to have a chat» Chris said, giving him a glare. Jisung lowered his gaze to his hands resting in his lap.

«When can I leave?»

«The nurse thinks you'll be alright in a couple of hours.»

«How long was I out?»

«Five hours,» Changbin replied, glancing at his phone.

«Why don't you lot bugger off home? I'll take him back; I didn't drink anything» Chris said, looking at the other lads who were destroyed by exhaustion.

«Cheers! Get well soon, Jisung!» Felix said, ready to leave.

«Are you sure? We can stay, it's no bother,» Changbin offered instead.

«Nah, you look shattered. I'm alright. I'll look after him. Jisung?» Chris called, looking at him.

«What?» he asked, massaging his temples. His head was killing him.

«Aren't you gonna say thank you to Minho for helping and bringing you here?» The blondie groaned and, with great effort, murmured a «Thank you.»

«What? What was that? I didn't hear you,» said Minho, leaning closer to hear.

«THANK YOU, YOU BLOODY ARSEHOLE» Jisung shouted at the top of his lungs, so loud that a nurse rushed over to check if everything was alright.

«You're welcome wanker» Minho replied, leaving the hospital room. He'd just fucking saved him and that's how he dared to treat him?

«Well then, we'll leave you with Chris, but I'll visit you tomorrow» Felix concluded.

«Bye, Jisung,» Changbin and Felix said in unison.

«Bye, guys,» he greeted as he lay back down in bed.

«Thank you for staying here and helping me. I'm sorry if I worried you,» he apologized, avoiding the older lad's sharp gaze, fiddling with his hands.

«Don't worry about it. Just rest.»


«Jisung, I want to know what the hell you were thinking, getting legless like that? What would've happened to you if Minho hadn't found you?»

«I'm sorry, alright? I didn't think it would be that bad, and if I got that smashed, it was because Minho was dancing with her.»

«Aish! What am I gonna do with you?» Chris sighed. He was so done; reasoning with him was pointless. Being the mum of the group was hard.


While Minho was driving back to his house he thought what was fucking wrong with that guy. Getting wasted like that just for a chick? Insane. Totally insane.

He felt a little sorry for him actually, but he couldn't help but say that he was acting like a child. With that delicate little body he had. When Minho had picked him up, he was so helpless and gone, he felt a little guilty. But he would never admit it out loud.

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