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After their intense sex session, they took a shower. As Jisung got up to the bathroom completely naked, Minho watched him make his way across the room, leaning against the bed's headboard; his legs still weak. He hadn't expected Jisung to have such a muscular body, with broad shoulders, and nice arms, a narrow waist and a plump ass, the kind any girl would dream of.

«You look hot» Minho commented, making the younger man slightly blush, but he didn't hold back from responding.

«Of course, you're the ugly one» he replied with a wink, making Minho scoff.

«Next time I'm staying on top, it's fucking painful» Jisung said, massaging his behind.

«No way I'm letting you top» Minho replied with a disgusted face at the thought of being the bottom.

«What? How is that fair?»

«You're the perfect bottom. Loud, sensitive, and impatient»

«I'm not letting you tap this anymore»  the blond asserted.

«What?! Why not?»

«I wanna top too» Jisung concluded before closing the bathroom door.

After they had both showered, they lay on the bed with Jisung clinging to Minho's body, his head nestled into the hollow of Minho's neck while their legs intertwined. Every now and then, Jisung lifted his head to make out with the brunette because he felt particularly clingy and needy after being the bottom, and a little because the room was half shrouded in cold and they both sought warmth in each other's bodies.

«I'm hungry» Jisung said.

«Yeah, me too»

«But it's like 4 in the morning, I doubt any shop is open»  Minho said, getting up to put on a shirt.

«I saw a kebab shop open 24/7 on our way here»

«Great, let's go»

The two quickly dressed before leaving the hotel. As they walked in silence, the only noise was the sound of their shoes scuffling against the concrete. Jisung decided to break the silence.

«So what do you do other than dancing?» he asked, breaking the silence. After fucking and cuddling, it felt kind of awkward doing small talk, but he still wanted to try.

«How did you know I dance?» Minho asked, arching a brow. For a moment, the younger man panicked, trying to come up with a quick lie. Because he hadn't been stalking him on TikTok a few days prior, and cursed himself for being so careless to bring that up. Now he'll think that I'm a creep, he thought to himself.

«Uhm... Chris told me» he lied. Minho wasn't entirely convinced, but decided not to ask any further questions and just nodded in response.

«I don't do much, I work and practice most of the time.»

«You work?» Jisung's voice nearly came out as an exclamation; he hadn't pictured Minho working. On the one hand, it was curious, on the other, it was strange to get to know him when for months he had hated him. Beginning to see that he was a normal person with emotions and hobbies was a little scary for him.

«Yeah, why did you think that I just laze around at home every day without a job?» Minho asked him a little irritated.

«No... well, yeah, pretty much. So where do you work?»

«I work from home unless I have any conferences or something.»

«And what do you do?»

«Are you taking interest in me?» Jisung rolled his eyes with a scoff.

«As if, I just wanted to know who'd hire someone like you» he teased with a grin.

«I'm a software engineer» he replied simply. Jisung was impressed; after finding out he had a job, he felt his idea of him had changed almost completely. He thought he was just a spoiled brat who minded his own business all day, but now that he found out he was an engineer, he felt he could no longer hate him.

«I see, must be difficult» Jisung mumbled with shyness. Minho smiled, looking at him flustered.

«I studied for it, so it's not that difficult. Also, I get to decide what time to work, so it's nice.» Jisung didn't ask any more questions. They continued to walk in silence towards the kebab shop.

They reached the shop and each ordered a wrap. This time, Jisung insisted on paying, and Minho just let him. With the wraps in hand, they headed back to the hotel, eating in silence.

Minho thought he could almost say that when the blond boy wasn't behaving like a fussy child, his presence was quite pleasant.

By now, neither of them could deny the attraction, but he still wasn't sure about their feelings. Although he himself had never had any particular problem with his sexuality and would follow only what made him happy, he was sure it was not the same for Jisung. He was still figuring out his sexuality. But for now, he decided to ignore it.

Jisung interrupted his thoughts. «Can I come to see you practice?» he asked, the darkness hiding his red cheeks.

«Uhm, sure» he replied, surprised by the sudden request. He glanced quickly towards Jisung's face, noticing some mayo residue on the corner of his mouth. So, instead of using his finger, he came closer, licking it off with his tongue.

«You could've just told me» the younger grumbled, shying away.

«I like to see you flustered» the older replied with a dirty grin playing on his lips.

«I'm not flustered»

«Sure you don't»

«Shut up» he younger said, but he couldn't suppress a smile.

«You look like a chipmunk when you eat» Minho said with an amused smile, looking at the blondie's filled cheeks.

«No, I don't» the brunette took out his phone and took a quick picture, showing it to the younger.

«I don't see any resemblance» Minho just shook his head in amusement.

When they returned to the hotel, Jisung and Minho decided that they still had time to spend together before anyone else noticed.

They ended up sleeping in Minho's hotel room until 9 in the morning. Jisung was the first to wake up and realized they were running late.

«Minho, wake up» Jisung said, shaking Minho's body.

«What? What happened?» the brunette murmured, slowly opening his eyes.

«It's almost nine o'clock.»


«The others must be already up. What if they knock at your door?»

«They're won't. Just get out quietly» he said, still half-asleep.

«I don't wanna go alone» Jisung said, shaking the brunette's body.

«Ughh! Fine» they both got up and quickly dressed.

«Okay, I'm gonna go first, and if I don't see anyone, I'll call you» Minho said, heading out.

He checked that none of their friends were around, surveyed the halls, and then returned to his room's door, knocking and signaling Jisung to come out, just as Felix came out of his room.

«Ji, why were you in Minho's room?» the freckled boy asked, looking at the two of them on the room's doorstep.

Jisung cursed under his breath «Shit!...»

PEACE & LOVE, MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now