I would've let you die

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«So how did you guys end up here together? I thought you hated each ot-» Changbin asked, looking at the two guys

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«So how did you guys end up here together? I thought you hated each ot-» Changbin asked, looking at the two guys.

«I do hate him!» Jisung spat before Changbin could finish his sentence, prompting Chris to roll his eyes.

«I got my bike stolen at the gas station and I found him on the way,» Minho explained.

«More like I found you!»

«You were willing to leave me stranded on the road!»


«Guys, can you not yell?» Chris shouted, silencing everyone else in the room.

«I'm so sick of your bickering all the time» the older remarked, glaring at the two.

They looked at each other with deep loathing. Jisung was sick of  pissing off his friends, but he just coudn't stop himself from talking back to him and didn't care if he appreared like a immature kid. Which he definitely did. 

«So, Minho, what do your parents do to afford such a nice house?» Felix asked, attempting to lighten the mood, he always knew how to start a good conversation.

«They have a big food company. They sell chips in Finland, so they stay there most of the time. That's why I can afford to throw all these parties, i do whatever i want» Minho explained.

«Spoiled» Jisung muttered with fake coughs, to which Minho decided to simply ignore him. Although he always seemed to have a lot of friends and people around, Minho often felt lonely. His parents didn't care much about him, and his house was empty most of the time.

He always tried to prove himself to them, but they never took intrest in how and what thier son was doing, so eventually he stopped trying.

Looking at Jisung, he felt a twinge of jealousy. He had genuine friends who loved and cared about him.

«That's so dope» Felix replied, genuinely amused, earning a smile from Minho.

«I'm bored. We should play some game» Jisung proposed unintrested about anything on Minho's boring life. 

«Why don't we play hide and seek? This house is huge, it's perfect to find hiding spots» Felix suggested excitedly.

«Yeah, I'm down» Changbin agreed.

«Me too» Chris chimed in.

«Who counts?» everyone yelled 'not me' with Felix being the last one left.

«Great» he sighed. "

«I'll start counting




The rest of the boys hurriedly ran through the immense villa to find the perfect hiding spot.

Jisung searched through the entire house, opening one door after another. No place seemed to be to his liking, until he spotted the perfect hiding spot behind a big palm tree near the pool.

«Taken, go find another place» Jisung wanted to scream. It seemed like Minho was always in his way, ready to make his life more difficult than it already was.

After dismissing the blonde, Minho quietly returned to his hiding place, relieved to have reached it before Jisung. But before he could finish his thought, he heard a loud splash. Jisung had fallen into the pool.

«Jesus,» Minho muttered to himself, a laugh escaping his mouth as he realized that Jisung was actually struggling to stay afloat.

«Fuck,» was the last word he said before jumping into the pool. He swam as fast as he could, grabbing the younger by his hips and pulling them to the surface. Jisung instinctively wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck, trying to catch his breath.

«You can touch the bottom Jisung. It's alright» Minho said softly, holding him firmly by the hips. Despite always having something sour to retort, Minho noticed that Jisung was just a helpless little boy.

«God!» Jisung managed to say between breaths, still hugging Minho's body tightly.

«Are you alright?» Minho asked, guiding him to the pool's edge.

«Fuck! No,» Jisung replied, coughing. Felix and Chris rushed over to the backyard after hearing the splash.

«Oh my god, Ji, you okay?!» Chris asked, rushing over to the pool's edge. Felix managed to grab a towel and wrapped it around Jisung's wet and shaking body.

«How did that even happen?»

«I slipped» and what was with Minho always saving him? Why coudn't be Chris around to help him or Changbin  or like literally anyone else. 

«Let's get you two changed.» the eldest affirmed guiding the blodie to dry himself.

After they both got inside the house, Minho took Jisung to lend him some clothes to change into.

«Just take whatever you want» Minho said, opening his huge walk-in closet.

Jisung started looking around to find anything that fit him when his eyes landed on a half-naked Minho who was busy changing himself.

Why did he suddenly feel hot? And why did he couldn't stop staring at Minho's well-sculpted abs?

«You need something?» Minho asked, feeling the blonde's careful eyes on him. Jisung snapped out of his trance, blinking forcefully. Was he staring?

«No... Uhm, thank you for... uhm, helping me there before» Jisung managed to say before focusing on something else.

«I would've let you die. I just didn't want to have you on my conscience hunting down my hpuse with your annoying presence» Minho replied coldly, finally putting a shirt on.

After a few minutes, Jisung finally found something that seemed to fit him — some gray sweatpants and a hoodie. Yet, he still felt cold, shivering on the inside.

Everyone got back into the living room when someone noticed that Changbin was still hidden somewhere, waiting to be found.

«I'll go look for him Felix offered.»

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