I embrace those who hate me, peace and love

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«Ji, we brought you cheesecake!» Changbin yelled getting into their apartment. But all the lights were off.

Chris and Changbin entered Jisung's room, their steps faltered at the sight before them. Sprawled across the bed, amidst tousled sheets, laid Jisung and Minho, both fast asleep and half naked. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over their intertwined bodies.

A smattering of hickeys adorned their skin, Chris's eyes widened in disbelief, while Changbin's jaw dropped in shock. They exchanged a surprised and confused glance, unsure of how to process what they were seeing.

«Oh, bloody hell» Chris muttered under his breath, his voice a mixture of surprise and concern.

Changbin remained speechless, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend the situation. He had never expected to stumble upon such a scene in Jisung's room, of all places, with Minho.

«We... uh... should probably give them some privacy» Changbin finally managed to say.

Before they could leave the sound of their steps woke Jisung that jolted awake from his sleep, he groaned softly and blinking, only to freeze in horror at the sight of Chris and Changbin standing in his room. Disoriented and still half-asleep, he struggled to make sense of the situation before reality came crashing down on him.

«Uh... hi, guys» he mumbled, his cheeks flushing crimson as he tried to recompose himself.

Minho, roused by Jisung's movement, stirred awake as well, blinking blearily as he took in the scene before him. His eyes widened in shock as he realized they were not alone.

«What the...?» Minho began, his voice trailing off as he took in the perplexed expressions on Chris and Changbin's faces.

Chris cleared his throat awkwardly, his gaze darting between Jisung and Minho. «Um... care to explain what's going on here?» he asked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.

Jisung opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He glanced nervously at Minho, silently pleading for help in navigating the awkward situation they found themselves in.

Minho, ever the composed one, cleared his throat and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair. «Well, you see... uh... it's not what it looks like» he began with a chuckle, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

Changbin arched an eyebrow skeptically, crossing his arms over his chest. «Really? Because it looks like you two had quite the... eventful night» he remarked trying to supress a grin.

Jisung buried his face in his hands so embarassed that he wanted to bury himself ungerground «Yeah, about that... we may have gotten a little carried away» he admitted, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. «Well, I suppose we'll leave you two to... sort things out» he said, exchanging a knowing glance with Changbin.

As Chris and Changbin made a hasty exit, Jisung and Minho were left alone once again, their cheeks still burning with embarrassment. It was going to be a long and awkward conversation. When they finally got dressed and ready trying to gather all the words to make a proper explanation.

«I need a smoke» Jisung said as he opened his window lighting a cigarette. If he was going to have that conversation with his best mates he definetly needed to calm his nerves.

«Should i go?» Minho asked putting on his hoodie. Jisung bit his lip unsure of what to do.

«Nah, stay. It's too late for you to leave now» he replied taking a hit.

«So what do we tell them?» the older asked stealing a hit from Jisung's cigarette.

«The truth i suppose»

«Right» When Jisung finally finished his cigarette, the two headed into the living room to find Chris and Changin intent on watching television. Jisung cleared his throat announcing their presence in the room with Minho beside him. Chris looked up at the two of them, muting the volume of the television.

«So... how was your night?» the blonde asked with an awkward smile.

«Great, and how was yours?» Chris replied humorously with a sarcastic smile.

«Ji, just cut to the chase» Changbin spat pincing the bridge of his nose.

«Me and Minho are seeing each other, we are friends?» he really didn't know how to explain to them what exactly they were. He himself was quite confused.

«More than mates i see» Changbin corrected him.

«We're not in a relashionship, we just have...fun»

«I thought you hated each other, like how did this happen exacly?" the oldest asked, just couldn't get to the bottom of it. Just a few days ago they wanted to kill each other.

«I embrace those who hate me, we are peace and love» Minho blurted out of nowhere earning a disapproving and confused look from Jisung.


«We don't love each other...i guees we kinds blured the lines between hate and horny» Jisung said scrolling his shoulders.

«Well we're happy you two finally get along» Changbin finished heading to his room.

«When you told me you fancied a guy i didn't think it was Minho»

"I don't fancy him" Jisung correct him quickly.

«Well, surprise!» Minho quipped rolling hue eyes.

«Yeah, i hope yall used protection» Chris concluded heading to his room. There wasn't much to say actually, he was happy for his friends, whatever they had going on.

When Minho and Jisung got back to the blondie's room Jisung flopped on the bed feeling particulary tried. It had been a long day, and sure he didn't expect to be caught. But now he felt a little lighter. They sat in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts.

«I didn't expect it to go that smoothly» Minho finally broke the silence.

«Yeah, me neither» Jisung replied, running a hand through his hair nervously.

«Do you think they'll be cool about it?»

«I don't know, but does it matter?» Jisung responded, looking up at Minho. Eventually they returned to bed, falling asleep, again, in each other's arms.

PEACE & LOVE, MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now