It's just a doggie

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«I don't know who the hell invited you, but it's time to get out of the way, everybody out!» someone shouted through a speaker but nobody paid attention to him everybdoy was busy enjoying the party

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«I don't know who the hell invited you, but it's time to get out of the way, everybody out!» someone shouted through a speaker but nobody paid attention to him everybdoy was busy enjoying the party.

«If you don't get out I will call the cops!» he added shortly after.

«Wait, isn't that Hyunjin?» Felix asked looking at the tall guy that was now standing on the top of the stairs.

«Bloody hell yes» Changbin lifted his hands to to get noticed by his friend.

«Yo! Hyunjin!» He yelled

«Let's go over there» since Hyunjin couldn't hear them Changbin decided to reach him at the bottom of the stairs.

«Yo! Hyunjin»

«Bin? What are you doing here?» he quicly came down the stairs wrapping the brunette in an embrace.

«Someone tweeted that you were having a party, though we could swing by» Changbin replied

«Hey Chris, Han, i beleve i never met the two of you» he said referred to Minho and Felix.

«Sorry, this is Minho we used to go to collage together, and this is Felix he's... a friend of ours.» he cursed at himself, why the fuck did he leave a weird pause. Che figura di merda ci aveva fatto?

«Nice meeting you both» Felix and Minho they both greeted him with a handshake.

«So like what's going on here?" Chris asked

«Someone tweeted that there was a party at my house tonight and before I knew it, a whole bunch of random people showed up» Hyunjin explained

«We'll help you get everyone out" Felix assured with a smile. Changbin felt a rush of butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Felix's smile.

Hyunjin got up the megaphone and shouted again «if you folks don't get out on ten minutes I will call the cops!»

«Let's start by opening the doors, yeah?» Changbin proposed getting to open the door

«Okay people, no train for the cucaracha, I repeat no train for the cucaracha!" he shouted trying to breath the train of people dancing to the cucaracha.

The last of the partygoers stumbled out, leaving behind a chaotic aftermath, Hyunjin watched the scene with a mixture of exhaustion and resignation. «Well, this is a right mess» he muttered, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes.

Changbin clapped him on the back, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, mate. Where do we start?»

Felix rolled up his sleeves, ready to dive into the cleanup. «Let's tackle the living room first, then work our way through the rest of the house. The sooner we get this sorted, the sooner we can all crash.»

Minho nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he took in the state of the room. «Right, i'll do the kitchen»

Together, they set about the task at hand, methodically clearing away the debris and restoring order to the chaos.


Minho was in the kitchen picking up the plastic cups left lying around on the ground floor.Jisung came into the kitchen with a sack already full, I placed it at the foot of the kitchen counter.He stretched out his arms revealing most of his belly where Minho's eyes once again rested on the blondie without him noticing.

«BLOODY HELL!» Minho shouted out of the blue hiding himself behind's Jisung's body

«What?!» Jisung shouted back girandosi

«A fucking dog!» Minho screamed back his body paralyzed in fear


«I'm scared of 'em, get it away from me»

«What? It's a tiny dog» Jisung couldn't help it but let out a tiny laugh. The little creature began to bark, approaching, Minho's body jumped on the blondie's shoulders, Jisung instinctively brought his hands on the brunet's legs holding him down.

«it's just a doggie» the tiny dog started barking loudly making Minho's body cling to Jisung's.

«Please, just get rid of it»  his nose touching Jisung's neck his eyes closed.
He could feel the brunette's hot breath on his neck, sending goosebumps on his skin.

«Okay okay fine, jeez!» Jisung decided to walk away from the dog going out the back door so that he couldn't be followed.

«Now get off.» Jisung said bluntly, Minho jumped down with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Jisung wanted to scream, The unexpected encounter with the dog only served to heighten his confusion. As Minho jumped on him, Jisung couldn't ignore the rapid thudding of his heart or the heat rising to his cheeks. It was a sensation he couldn't quite comprehend, what was wrong with his body? Why did it react so fast when Minho was around? Like chemical reactions inside his body weren't working and producing too much oxytocin and dopamin. 

God why was his heart beating so fast?


Luckily, the little dog that had first attacked Minho, which he later found out was called Khami, was sleeping upstairs.

«You can come in if you want, the dog's gone» Jisung announced to the brunette who was sitting outside on the patio, Minho just nodded.

After they finished cleaning Hyunjin's house thoroughly they all sat down beside the pool on the backyard.

«Jin is everyone gone?» A younger guy asked looking out of the window at the back.

«Yeah come on down!»

«Who's that?» Chris asked looking at the long haired boy.

«My boyfriend» he casually said. Jisung instinctively glanced into Minho's direction, their eyes met for a split second before they both looked away.

«You gay?» Jisung then asked. Chris wanted to bury his head under the ground.

«I don't discriminate, I like what I like» he replied with a scroll of the shoulders. Jisung nodded.

As the night wore on, Jisung thought about Hyunjin's casual mention of his boyfriend, he couldn't help but wonder about his own feelings. And it was so difficult to formulate a thought out of it that it felt like his head was going to explode.

Despite their frequent fights, there seemed to be an unexpressed attraction between them, and Jisung couldn't shake off the strange uneasiness he felt in his chest whenever Minho was around.

What the hell was wrong with him?

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