is hot today, innit?

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Hyunjin had offered to the boys to stay over at his house so he could properly introduce them his new boyfriend

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Hyunjin had offered to the boys to stay over at his house so he could properly introduce them his new boyfriend.

Jisung was in the kitchen busy throwing away leftover food and wrappers. After wearing the cheerleader uniform for a whole day he decided to borrow some of Hyunjin clothes.

«No more cheerleader Jisung?» Minho asked approaching. He went to the freezer and pulled out a box of ic cream serving himself some.

«Thank heavens» Jisung muttered in an annoyed tone, relieved to be done with the cheerleader act. Minho noticed what he guessed were Hyunjin's clothes on him.

«Mine look better on you» he casually said with a grin. Jisung glanced over at Minho, his expression softening slightly at the unexpected compliment. «Yeah, I'll keep that in mind for my next fashion crisis» Jisung retorted, offering sarcastic smirk as he continued with his task in the kitchen. «What do you mean? I dress very well» Minho asked, genuinely offended by Jisung's comment.

«Sure you do»

As Minho leaned against the kitchen counter, he watched Jisung move about with a sense of familiarity and curiosity. Despite their usual banter and occasional clashes, there was something about Jisung's presence that drew him in.

«Got any more of that ice cream?» Jisung asked, holding up his empty container.

Minho rolled his eyes playfully. «Yeah, sure. But don't think I'll be fetching it for you» he replied, reaching into the freezer and pulling out another tub of ice cream.

Minho grinned, taking the tub from Jisung and grabbing a spoon from the drawer. «Thanks»  he said, scooping out a generous portion and digging in.

As they stood in comfortable silence, the sound of their spoons clinking against the cold dessert filled the air. It was a simple moment, but one that felt oddly comforting amidst the chaos of their relashionship.

«Whatcha eating?»  Felix asked approacing the two in the kitchen.

«Neapolitan»  Felix wrinkled his nose in disgust

«Salted caramel is the best one»

«No it's mint Chocolate Chip" Jisung and Minho replied in unison, they exchanged an annoyed look and then turned their attention back to Felix.

«So i have two room and three beds and a couch, two of you need to share a bed, decide where you wanna stay»  Hyunjin annunced adding in the kitchen.

«I don't mind the couch»  Chris said with a smile. As a former dad he had to sacrifice himself for his children.

«I don't want to share the bed»  he announced before the others could retort.

«As if anyone would want to sleep with you.» Minho retorted rolling his eyes.

«I most certainly do not want sleep with you»  the blondie retorted irritated

«I can share with Changbin, I don't mind»  Felix said, glancing over at the older boy. Changbin felt his heart rate increase, his cheeks flushing with a blush.

«Y-yeah, me neither» Changbin replied, surprised by the slight stutter in his voice.

«Are you alright mate? You're red»  Minho pointed out.

«Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit warm. Is hot today, innit?»  Changbin fumbled, attempting to brush off his embarrassment.

«Okay let's go i'll show you the rooms»


Changbin and feelix were getting ready for bed.  Changbin's nerves were on edge, his heart pounding in his chest like a drumbeat echoing through the silence of the night.

Felix, seemingly unaware of Changbin's inner struggle, moved through his nightly routine. Brushed his teeth and took off his shirt and changed in some sweats borrowed by Hyunjin's closet.

Changbin couldn't help but steal glances at Felix, his heart skipping a beat each time their eyes met. There was something about the way Felix's eyes sparkled in the dim light that sent shivers down Changbin's spine.

As they settled into their respective beds, Changbin's mind raced with a million thoughts. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this moment was somehow significant, that it held the potential to change everything.

They both slipped into the blankets and turned the light off.

«Hyunjin's and Jeongin are nice»  Felix's voice broke through the silence, pulling Changbin out of his reverie.

«Yeah?»  Changbin replied, his heart rate increasing at the sound of Felix's deep voice.

Felix turned to him, a soft smile playing on his lips. «Yeah, Jeongin's a bit shy but he's very funny»

Their eyes locked in a meaningful gaze, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Changbin's heart swelled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty, his mind racing with possibilities.

the brunette felt a hand palping his bicep and blushed. «You got nice arms"

«Listen lix, can i ask you something?»

«You and your questions, yeah what is it?»

«Can I kiss you?»  Felix nodded slowly, his eyes sparking.

Unable to resist the pull any longer, Changbin leaned in closer, his heart pounding in his chest. With bated breath, he pressed his lips against Felix's, savoring the fleeting moment of closeness.

Felix's breath hitched at the unexpected gesture, his eyes widened in surprise. Changbin pulled away quickly, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

«I, uh... sorry»  Changbin stammered, his heart pounding in his ears.

After recovering from their initial shock, Felix moved closer together to kiss again, this time their lips intertwinedHis hand rose to cup Changbin's face, his touch gentle yet electrifying against the warmth of Changbin's skin. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, their breaths melting together.

Their lips parted reluctantly. With a soft smile, Felix brushed his fingers against Changbin's cheek, a reassuring silence that spoke volumes.

«I've wanted to do this for a while.»

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