You're so babygirl for him

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Since they came back from Redditch Minho found himself unable to shake the feeling that had taken a solid place in his heart. With each passing moment he found himself drawn to Jisung in a way that he couldn't explain, a magnetic pull that seemed to defy logic and reason.

Minho's thoughts were consumed by Jisung.
And as the days turned into weeks, Minho couldn't deny his feelings anymore, he was hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Jisung. It was a realization that both thrilled and terrified him, because he never had fallen in love with a man, and things were even more complicated if that man was Han Jisung.

And Jisung seemed more and more drawn to him; he ws calling him in the most random hours of the day to ask him what he was doing. Planning dinners and  inviting himself to his home unannounced. Having sleepover, going to the movies together, laughing, he even invited him to the studio to watch him record 3RACHA new songs. He was Happy.

Their conversations flowed effortlessly, and what was just pure sex had now turned into something more, something more pleasant.

Chris and Felix were sitting on the sofa, chatting and laughing as they scrolled through their phones. They looked up, focusing their attention on Jisung who had just returned from the other room. Now that their friends knew about their 'relationship', the two only exchanged affection when none of their friends were around, but they were not so subtle.

«Jisung you're so whipped for Minho» Chris teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Felix chuckled, nodding in agreement. «Oh, definitely. You're so babygirl for him»

Jisung raised an eyebrow at the teasing. «Hey! I'm not a babygirl for him, also you're so whipped over Changbin so shut up»

«At least I admit it»

Chris and Felix burst into laughter at Jisung's defensive reaction. «Oh, come on, Ji" Chris said between laughs. «You can't deny it. You practically light up like a Christmas tree whenever Minho's around»

Minho who had joined them in the room hearing Jisung's words wondered if those feelings he was recently feeling were reciprocated by his youngest. Before, he would not have doubted it, but now he was not so sure.

Thinking back to their recent interactions, he searched for signs that Jisung felt the same way. But with each recollection, his confidence faded. Jisung's affectionate gestures and warm smiles, which Minho had taken as confirmation of his feelings, now seemed vague. Had he read too much into things? Was he simply projecting his own feelings onto Jisung's behaviour? Then he decided that when they had a moment alone, he would ask him.

Jisung rolled his eyes  «Okay, maybe I enjoy spending time with him. But that doesn't mean I'm in love"

«Sure you don't» Minho said joining them

Felix grinned, nudging Jisung playfully. «Oh, come on, mate. We're just teasing you. It's cute seeing you all smitten»

Jisung huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. «Well, I'm not smitten. I just... like spending time with him, that's all» Admitting it was much more embarrassing than proving it

«Whatever you say. But don't be surprised if we catch you writing love poems to Minho next»

Minho's doubts grew stronger, but he tried to brush it off, he was probably too paranoid. He forced a smile, but couldn't reach his eyes.

Jisung rolled his eyes again, but couldn't hide the slight blush creeping up his cheeks. «Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just keep your teasing to a minimum, okay?»

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