Sorry for barging in the middle of the night.

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Jisung woke up with a headache, moving around in the bed trying to open his eyes

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Jisung woke up with a headache, moving around in the bed trying to open his eyes. The bright light coming in through the windows was disturbing his eyes.

He finally managed to get up and sit down. He shivered as the cold air in the room pinched his bare skin. It took him a few moments to realise that he was not in his room. This was not his bed. He was in fact in one of the many guest rooms of the Minho house.

What the fuck was he doing at Minho's house?

Then it hit him; the drunken confession, the hot moment, Minho stopping him.

«Oh fuck» he muttered under his breath. He glanced at his phone resting on the bedside table alongside his wallet. It was nine o'clock in the morning.

Six missed calls from Daddy Chris, twenty messages from Daddy Chris.

He decided to send him a message: I was drunk and accidentally crashed at Minho's. I'm not dead, sorry mate.

He searched through the room for his shirt without finding it.

«Shit.» After contemplating jumping out of the window from the third floor, he decided to go out and find Minho. What the hell was he thinking?

The day before he sat down and tried to deal with whatever feelings he felt towards the brunette. He thought about it so much that he thought he would end up crazy. So after a few too many drinks, he had turned up with an Uber, completely drunk at Minho's house.

He fixed himself up, looking in the mirror and noticed two little dark spots on his neck. He blushed, remembering the brunette's lips on his body.

He wandered around the house, opening one door at a time, searching for the brunette. After a while, he decided to go downstairs, where he found Minho cooking what he guessed was breakfast.

«Had a good sleep?» Minho asked when he heard Jisung's steps coming through the kitchen.

«Yeah» he replied. The situation was so embarrassing that he didn't know how to act.

«Have you seen my shirt?» he asked, looking around.

«Must be on the couch» Minho said, turning around. His body was shirtless, and his chest was painted with love marks.

Jisung blushed once again. He went to the living room, finally finding his shirt thrown on the floor beneath the sofa. He quickly put it on and returned to the kitchen.

He was stopped when he felt a little ball of fur rubbing against the bill of his leg. «Oh hi there," he said, kneeling down to pet the kitten. He picked him up, taking him with him to Minho's kitchen.

«Is this cat yours?» he asked, still petting the little furball.

«Whose else?»

«Well, you're scared of little dogs, I didn't think you'd own a cat.»

«I have two more actually.»

«You have cats, but are scared of dogs?» A tiny smile escaped from his lips.

«When I was eight, a dog tried to bite off my finger. Sue me if they scare me» he replied, rolling his eyes.

«What's its name?»

«He's Soonie.» Soon after, another two followed them into the kitchen.

«Oh hi Soonie» Jisung cooed, petting him under the chin.

«Aw, and who are they?» Jisung put the cat down, lowering himself to stroke the other two. Minho's hormones went wild at the sight of Jisung playing around with his cats. Was he getting turned on?

«The little one is Dori, and the bratty one is Doongie.»

«They're so cute," he said, still petting Dori's tummy.

«Chris called askin' for you.»

«Yeah, I know. I sent him a text when I woke up.»

«Anyway, you want some breakfast?»

«Shoot me» The two of them sat down in the ginormous kitchen of the brunette's and started eating breakfast.

Jisung cleared his throat. «Sorry for barging in the middle of the night» he apologized, blushing.

«Happens.» Minho replied. Jisung had to be honest; he was a little taken aback by Minho's cold tone. Usually, he always had something sarcastic to remark on.

On the other side, Minho was doing his best to pretend nothing had happened, as if he had not wanted to fuck the blondie the night before, as if the red marks on his neck, and him playing around with his cats had no effect on him.

«About last night—»

«I gotta go. We'll talk another time»

«Stay as long as you like.» he said before leaving the kitchen.

«Chris, can I talk to you?» Jisung asked. They were in the studio recording new demos.

«Did you get anyone pregnant?»

«What?! No no! What the hell?» he replied, shocked.

«Sorry, had to make sure. Go on.»

«I have a friend, and this friend a dude, and he's like having some feeling, like attraction about another guy»

«Are you having feelings for a guy?»

«Not me! A friend of mine» Chris rolled his eyes knowing that he was actually talking about himself.

«Right, so?»

«Does that mean that he's gay or...?»

«Jisung i need more contex»

«That's all he told me so» he scrolled his shoulders

«And what does he want to know?» Chris sighed.

«He asked me like if he should like make a more or something, i don't know i'm not the wise one, you are!»

«Okay, i think it dipends on the guy he has feeling for, and also like just because you like a guy that doesn't mean you're gay, there are many faces of sexuality, you could be bisexual or pansexual or whatever or like you could not label yourself. Your friend should take his time to explore that.» Jisung nodded in response

«So am I allowed to know who this friend is crushing on? Or is it a secret?»

«It's a secret, i don't know either he wasn't very clear» he shrugged again.

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