Don't give me that

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«Ji did why were you in Minho's room?»

«Uhm....he stole my vape i was getting it back» he lied shooting a glare towards the brunette who just stared back his expression undetectable.

«Oh, okay, Chris texted asking have breakfast together»

«Yeah we know, we were about to reach him in down in the dining room» Minho said closing the hotel door. Jisung noticed that Felix compleatly ignored Changbin's 'goodmorning' and just at down at the table without a word, he could feel the tentions in the air, did they fight last night?

«Sweet, let's g, him and Seugnmin are already there» when the three of them reached Chris and Seungmin the latter's eyes widened.

«Are those hickeys?» he asked pointing at Minho's neck

«Uhm what? Where? No?» he asked nervously covering his neck. Jisung's face pales and tried with all his being to not show any emotions, and prayed god that Felix didn't put two plus two together.

«Yes they are, where have you been last night?» Minho surrendered and rolled his eyes

«I met a chick at the bar late at night, we had some fun and then she left» he briefly explained sitting down at the table.

«Poor girl» Jisung said with a smirk

«You're jealous that it wasn't you» he spat back.

«Jealous? Hardly. I'd rather kiss a frog and hope for a prince.» They secretly smiled at each other, sharing a silent understanding that their secret rendezvous was safe from Seungmin's prying eyes.

The previous night in Changbin's room

After the boys had finished performing and had joined the rest of the guys, in the stands, the eldest had hugged him and remained stuck with him for almost the entire evening. Felix couldn't help but wonder what it meant, especially after that kiss they had shared. He felt his feelings start to grow more and more, but he didn't want it to be just one sided. So in the end he had decided that after the concert, when they got back to the hotel he would try to talk about their feelings.

Felix was sitting on the edge of the hotel bed, frustration bubbling to the surface. Changbin was busy on the phone, apparently unaware of the blond's nervousness. The weight of unspoken words weighed between them, suffocating Felix with each passing moment.

«Changbin» Felix finally spoke up gently.

Changbin glanced up, his eyebrows knitting together «What?»

Felix sighed, struggling to find the right words to express his emotions. «We have to talk about what happened, like what is happening» he said, his voice strained with tension.

Changbin's expression remained impassive, a stark contrast to the storm raging inside Felix. «About what?»

Felix's frustration boiled over «Don't give me that» he snapped, his voice laced with anger. «We kissed, Changbin. You can't just pretend like it never happened»

Changbin's gaze hardened, his jaw clenched in frustration. «I'm not pretending» he retorted sharply «I just don't know what you want from me.»

Felix felt a surge of indignation, his anger fueling his resolve. «I want you to talk to me» he spat, his voice dripping with venom. «I want to know what it meant to you, even if it's not what I want to hear.»

Changbin's facade cracked for a moment, a flicker of guilt crossing his features before he quickly masked it. «I don't owe you anything, Felix» he replied coldly, his tone cutting like ice.

Felix's hands trembled with suppressed rage, his frustration reaching a boiling point. «Fine» he snapped, his voice trembling with suppressed emotion. «If you're not willing to be honest with me, then maybe we shouldn't be doing this at all.»

Changbin's eyes widened in surprise, a flash of hurt crossing his features before he quickly buried it beneath a mask of indifference. «Is that what you want?» Felix asked with an irritated expression on his face

Changbin's heart ached at the pain in Felix's voice, but he refused to back down. «I don't know what I want» he admitted «But i can't give you an answer»

«Fine» Felix concluded leaving the brunette's room angrily slamming the door.

As the weight of their unspoken words hung in the air, Felix could not help but feel a twinge of regret. But deep down he knew that facing their feelings was the only way forward, even if it meant facing the harsh reality.

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