You fancy me Han?

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Jisung stood outside the club, lighting his cigarette and taking a long drag

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Jisung stood outside the club, lighting his cigarette and taking a long drag. His mind was going crazy, why was he thinking about Minho? The asshole he hated so much. He wanted to scream out of frustration, but his mind was interrupted by the subject of his thoughts.

«What are you doing here? So eager to wear a dress?» Minho teased, a dirty grin creeping across his mouth.

«Shut up, I just wanted a smoke» he replied, putting the cigarette between his lips, causing Minho to look at his lips.

«So how many girls have you got?» Minho asked.

«One» the blondie said a little embarrassed.

«You better keep up, I'm already up to two» Jisung wanted to punch his annoying face. So he did.

Minho was pushed against the wall with a force he didn't think Jisung had, they stayed there for a few secondo before Minho changed positions and blocked the blonde's frame against the hard concrete wall. «I'm so tired of putting up with your bratty attitude all the time, grow up» he spat inches from his face, his jaw clenched and his eyes flaming.

«Guys, what is going on here?» Chris asked along with Changbin and Felix.

«We were just having a little chat, that's all»  the brunette replied, backing away.

«Yeah, let's go back» Jisung replied and walked away with a sour taste in his mouth. Neither of them wanted to involve their friends.

By the time they were all back in the club, it was full of strangers.As the club began to fill, Minho felt more and more overwhelmed by the music and loud noises. Despite his best efforts to ignore it and concentrate on the bet, the sensory overload was starting to get to him. The flashing lights, the pulsating bass and the crowded dance floor were beginning to weigh heavily on his senses.

He tried to push through, putting on a confident front, but deep down he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. The clamor of the club seemed to echo in his ears, making it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

With each passing minute, the sensation of being trapped in a whirlwind of chaos intensified. He longed for a moment of peace and quiet, a chance to escape the overwhelming atmosphere and collect his thoughts.

Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, Minho couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anxiety creeping up on him.  He reached the bathroom trying to catch his breath.

«Are you following me? Just leave me the hell alone man» Jisung asked, giving him an annoyed look. He was really everywhere.

He took a drag from his vape, his eyes still on Minho.

The bathroom was small, so their bodies weren't far apart. Jisung's eyes travelled from the brunette's sweaty face to his waist, wrapped in a tight tank top, to his legs.

Minho felt a grin forming on his mouth, his eyes sparkling. What was he feeling? Was it excitement?

«You fancy me Han?» he asked and took a step forward.

Jisung scoffed «I DO NOT»

«Sure you don't» Minho took another step, their shoes touching, Jisung was so angry that he did the most natural thing that came to mind. He grabbed the older man's head, his hair in his fist and kissed him.

Their mouths collided taking part in a hungry kiss filled with anger and hate.

Minho kissed back when he realised what was happening. He pushed him further against the bathroom wall, squeezing the blonde's hips. Their lips moved together, fighting for dominance, their tongues exploring each other's wet cavern. It was a battle neither of them wanted to lose.

Bodies pressed together. Jisung's mouth tasted of cigarette and mojito. Minho put his knee between the younger man's legs and elicited a groan. God, it felt so good and yet so angry.

Hands moving everywhere, lungs begging for oxygen. Jisung wanted to push him away but the taste of his lips was so intoxicating. He was kissing a man.

The thought really hit him, Jisung broke the kiss and pushed him off abruptly. They both gasped and tried to catch their breath. Their chests rose and fell from lack of air.

What the hell just happened? Jisung asked himself, trying to clear his mind.

«Forget it ever happened.» Minho said and left. They both went back to the table to find a very tipsy Felix and Chris and Changbin babysitting over him.

«Where were you?» Changbin asked, giving them both a confused look.

«Bathroom» they both replied in unison. Their hair messy and their lips red.

«Well, I think I'll take Felix home, I'm getting tired» Changbin said, getting ready to leave.

«I don't want to leave, I wanna partyyy» Felix added, resisting the brunette's firm grip on his arm.

«You've drunk enough mate, let's go» Felix rolled his eyes and followed lazily. Jisung and Minho sat across from each other at the table, avoiding eye contact at all costs, and receiving a strange look from Chris.

«Are you guys ok?»

«Yeah» Minho replied.

«I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?»  Minho asked, they both shook their heads so he left alone.

By the end of the night he had more than five unknown numbers on his call logs, all from different girls in confront Jisung that reached to four. He didn't want to go home a loser, but in the end, exhaustion forced him to give up and accept defeat.

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