In another lifetime i promise

186 11 25

Seven years later

Happier, Ed Sheeran

«We are gathered here today to rejoice in the union. In this moment of sanctity and solemnity, fueled by love and mutual regard, are you prepared to pledge your lives to one another? In times of both joy and sorrow, in times of plenty and of scarcity, do you, Lee Minho, vow to take Leah Hawthorne as your lawful wife, promising to love, honor, and protect her for as long as you both shall live?

«I do» Minho smiled rubbing his thumb on her hand.

«And do you, Leah Hawthorne, take Lee Minho as your lawful husband, to love, honor, and support him, for as long as you both shall live?»

«I do» She squeezed his hand

«Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride»

They kissed.

Everyone applouded.

As they walked back the aisle Minho locked eyes with Jisung. His hair now black, he smiled at him and the word just stopped moving for a second.
His hand still locked with Leah's.
Cheers and shouts were filling the room, but he couldn't hear any of it.
He didn't expect him to be there that day, to see him after so many years at his wedding.

Jisung didn't know why he was there, a strange force pulled him there. And as selfish it might sound he wanted to be there for Minho on his special day.

Minho's thoughts were interrupted when he felt Leah's squeezing his hand.
He turned towards her and smiled for the picture.

When their paths had parted, Jisung had realised over time how much he missed Minho, how much he wanted to hear him talk, how much he wanted to see that gentle smile of him again.

And the saddest part was that he had fallen in love with Minho when he had lost him. It was too late. He realised that after Minho left, after their friendship ended he suddenly grew up. And maybe his mission in life had been that, to make him grow up.

He had watched Minho say his vows, with a sparkle in his eyes. He observed how he looked at Leah, like she was the only person there, the only one that mattered, and he couldn't help but wonder if in the time they had spent together if he ever looked at him that way, and he was too blind to realize it.

He couldn't blame him, Leah was beautiful, charming and had that frizzy energy that made everyone around her love her. She was perfect.

After the ceremony they all the guests headed to the castle.
It was a old monumental castle near the church, the perfect wedding location.

«You okay?» Changbin had asked him once they all got into the car, he forced a smiled and replied

«Yeah of course» he had to be okay.

He was unsure if he really wanted to go to the wedding, if Minho would hate him for it. But he figured that he wanted to see him one last time, even if he was going to be someone'elses for the rest of his life.


After downing three glasses of champagne with the third in his hand Chris had looked at him and in desperation had drawn him into a corner.

«Ji what's wrong with you?»

«What do you mean? Nothing's wrong»

«Don't pretend that this whole situation doesn't make you feel unhappy, it's in your eyes»

«I don't know what are you talking about» he lied sipping again champagne from his glass.

«Don't you think that you should talk to him? After seven years!» he whispe-yelled.

«Fine i'll talk to him»


After Minho did all the rounds with Leah greeting and hugging the guests, Jisung finally saw him approaching him in a deserted corner of the castle. He tried to pull himself quickly.

«I'm glad you came, didn't expect you to be here»

«Yeah me too, congratulations the bride's beautiful!»

«Yeah I know»

«So where y'all going to honeymoon?» he asked trying to sound casual, masking his awkwardness

«Hawaii, I've always wanted to visit so yeah, we thought it'll be nice»

«Yeah, beautiful»

«What you've been up to?» The brunette asked him

«Well nothing much, other than doing concerts, and writing, we're getting quite popular»

«I saw, that's great» they both fell into a embarrassing silence and Jisung was contemplating weather confess his feelings or not

«We'll enjoy the night I'll see you around» Minho was about to leave when Jisung stopped him

Fuuuckkk! He thought why did he stop him

«Listen I need you tell you something» Jisung blurted out taking a step closer to him.


«I love you» he spat out. He had been in denial about his feelings until they became too overwhelming to ignore.

It was selfish. But he wanted to be selfish, just this once.

«Jisung i-»

«I know, I know it's so selfish for me to say it now, I mean I had so much time, seven fucking years and I didn't say anything, and now it's the most inopportune time, and I'm sorry. But I love you, I've loved you for nine years and I've too arrogant and scared to realize it. And I picked up the, t-the phone and... sorry» he quickly wiped off a tear, many more threatening to come out.

«I picked up the phone and tried to call you, but I couldn't get myself to do it, I thought you'd hate me for it, I know it's so stupid» he took a deep breath another tear slipping away.

«I love you Minho, I really do. And all I want is for you to be happy. I just wanted you to know that I did love you, i just didn't know how to» as soon as he finished his sentence Minho kissed him. A kiss that had waited seven years. Jisung knees felt weak as he melted into Minho's embrace pulling him closer, holding onto him for dear life.

«I know, I'm sorry too» Minho replied pulling away.

Jisung took his face in his hands and smiled «In another lifetime I promise, I'll love you the way I never did» he whispered letting him go from his arms.

He left quickly, adrenaline spiking trough his veins, tears coming out uncontrollably. He got his heart broken one all over again, but it was fine at least now he knew.

Minho was happy with his life and that was all that mattered to him.

Minho reached his bride on the table and smiled reaching to caress her hand trying to pretend nothing happened burying his love for Jisung deep down in his heart.

The end

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