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Each individual second seemed to pass slower during this part of the school year. Right after spring break and right as the summer started to shine through on the East Coast, school had finally began to wind down. With finals season approaching, the only concerns left were passing classes and getting the hell out of the building.

I was lost in my head, staring at the ticking clock. I couldn't focus on the numbers, couldn't remember when the class had started, or when it would end, but nonetheless, the clock ticked and time passed.

Suddenly I heard something hit my desk and bounce off my pencil case. I looked down and saw it was a crumpled piece of paper. I carefully unwrapped it and read it to myself.

"Barrens after school?"

I turned to look at the messenger, Big Bill Denbrough, and smiled briefly at him before I picked up my pencil and scribbled back,

"Did you even really have to ask?
We'll talk at dismissal."

I crumbled the note in my palm and slowly turned to throw it back in his direction. When he opened it up, he rolled his eyes but smiled before he shoved it in his pocket. As if on cue, the bell rang and we shoveled our stuff into our bags. He must've actually known the time. He grabbed me from my desk and we rushed through the halls, careful to avoid Bower's path of destruction for the day.

When we finally escaped the labyrinth of sweaty teenagers, we quickly found Beverly, Ben, and Stan by the bike racks. They waved as we got closer and we waved back. Bill and I were pulling our bikes out of their spots when Beverly spun me around.

"So where's your boyfriend?" she beamed with a cocked eyebrow.

"He's not my boyfriend," I huffed, "Anyways he and Eddie had a test this period, and Mrs. Cuntley keeps them late."

"The Cutley test was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be." Stan chimed in, "I think I definitely got a better grade than last time."

"Yea that human anatomy test was a bitch." Ben joined in.

Within an instant, before I could agree, a passionate and thunderous British voice boomed toward us accompanied by a smaller voice that chuckled alongside it.

"I'll actually have you chaps know, as I have just informed Sir Edward Spaghedward here, that I got a 93 on that human anatomy exam. Just another classic triumph for the Great Richard the Trashmouth Tozier." Richie threw his hand high in the air in front of Stanley and patiently awaited his high five. Stan only stared blankly for a few seconds before turning to ask Eddie about their test. Hand still in the air, he turned to me. "How about you, my lady? Do I get any reward for my 93?" I scoffed but high-fived him nonetheless and when I did, he took my hand in his, got down on one knee, and promptly kissed it.

"My lady." He repeated and wiggled his brows before standing back up to head for his bike. I watched him while he walked away and Beverly slowly came into my view with a knowing look. I flipped her off and she smiled at me, then whispered something to Ben that made them both chuckle. I tried to ignore the heat that rose to my face and hastily got onto my bike.

We began our trek to the Barrens on our regular path, only stopping once to pick up Mike from his grandpa's farmhouse. When we got to the Barrens, we tossed all of our bags down and hopped off of our bikes. Everyone started to chat amongst each other and chaos immediately began to ensue. Richie tortured Bill and Stan with his newest accent and Bill looked over to me with a face that begged for help. I laughed at him and sat down next to Mike instead. We watched intently as Eddie ran in circles from Beverly whose arms were extended towards him like she wanted to scoop him up.

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