{27 Years Later...} 1

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WARNING!!! This references the book a lot and contains spoilers if you don't already know the plot of the adult Losers Club. These chapters reference death, suicide, and mental health problems. These all take place in 2016 btw. 

  !This will be split into two chapters due to how long each section is!


It's September, 2016, it feels like a million years ago when I was a little 13 year old running around with my best friends. The grueling memories of the summer of '89 have become silent whispers of the past. I, unlike the majority of the others stayed in Derry. Fortunately though, I was lucky enough to be married to my best friend, and childhood crush, Mike Hanlon. When tragedies started to strike Derry once again, I couldn't help but worry, with Mike by my side.

 "Did you hear the story about Adrian Mellon? The gay boy who was attacked and killed?" I softly asked my husband while stocking the library shelves.
"Of course I have. I've been keeping track of everything. You know it's been just about-""27 years... yeah. I know. The boys who attacked Mellon said they saw a clown. It has to be It. There's no other explanation, Michael. It's back. We have to call the others. We made a promise. We can't back down now." I squeak out.
Mike kissed my temple lightly, "I know we do. I'm just scared. Stay with me here tonight instead of going home, we're safe here. We can call them all tonight. I have tabs on all of them, all of their numbers are sitting in my notebook."
"Alright babe. We do this tonight." I say
"Ayuh" he responds, "tonight"

A few hours later, the library is officially closed. Mike locks up the doors and leads me into the back of the library. We sit down at his desk and stare at his notebook. I notice him look down at the scar that split across his hand and I can't help but to look at mine as well. He grabs my scarred hand in his and looks me in eyes before flipping his notebook open and dialing the first number into his phone and putting it up to his ear.

"Here we go again" I gasp out to no one in particular as I hear the line pick up on Mike's phone.
"Hello Bill...It's Mike Hanlon... from Derry... Bill listen... It's back... we promised to- .... I know... Alright... I'll see you then Big Bill. Take care." Mike exhaled sharply and crossed out Bill's name from his paper.

"1 down, 5 more to go" I whisper out, picking up my phone and dialing the next number...


Bill was silently sitting at his desk typing away at his laptop, I sat on our couch only a few feet away from him, editing and revising his newest book. There were many plus sides of Bill being married to his editor and best friend. Deep in concentration, trying to remember all the English tips I had learnt in collage, the home phone rings. Bill begins to stand up but I rush over, placing my hands on his shoulder, sitting him back down.
"I'll get it, love," you smile lightly. He smiles back and continues his typing as you pick up the phone.
"Hey" the voice said," Is the Bill Denbrough?"
"No, this is William's wife y/n." i respond hastily, not trusting the call.
"Ah yes y/n! It's Mike. Mike Hanlon. From Derry" He spoke slowly. I couldn't help but grin at the voice of my dear old friend.
"Well how 'bout that? How are ya Mikey?" I giggle childishly.
"I wish I could say well dear. It's back y/n. I need you and Bill here as soon as possible. Remember our promise?" I gazed down at the scar on my hand and heard a quiet whisper of the memory from when I  received it. I felt like I might vomit.
"Of course Mikey. I'll tell Bill and we should be there by tomorrow. A-bye." I hang up the phone abruptly.

"Who was it honey?" Bill shouted from his desk. I walked up to it slowly and grabbed his scarred hand, turning it over and inspecting the scarring. He seemed confused. 
"That was Michael Hanlon from back home in Derry. He says It is back"
Bill's face dropped, his frown contrasting his blue eyes. We hadn't even spoken of Derry in years though that was the place we grew up together. 
He squeezed my hand and began to speak,"I comp-p-pletely forgot about D-Derry. I forgot a-all about it... and It and G-G-Georgie.  Little G-G-Georgie" he had begun to cry. I gathered him up in my arms.
"We must pack soon Bill. We have to go back. We can do it. There's no other way. Something tells me that the gaps in our memories will be filled soon."
"I-Is that why I'm st-st-stuttering again?" he asked me scared.
"Id say  so Billy. We've got to finish what we started. Now close your laptop and come upstairs with me. We need to book a flight back home and get our stuff packed." 
Bill nodded and stood up slowly, holding my scarred hand as we walked upstairs to pack for whatever Derry had waiting for us.

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