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warning: some cute ass gay shit ahead. when i think about reddie, i age them up in my head. you don't have to, but i do.

"Eddie? you in here?" i hear Richie ask through the bathroom stall door. i wipe my tears off my face and take in a deep breath.

"go away Richie." i say, trying my best to not let my voice crack. how can he come in here like its nothing? does he not realize the shit he does to me? god i cant stand him.

"come on, Eds.  just talk to me." he begs. he makes it so hard to say no. my heart flutters a bit. "Eddie, please. its just me. your best friend?" he pleads again

best friend. i hate those two words. two little words that can feel like a kick to the chest. i pull out my inhaler and take in a puff. i hesitantly reach for the lock on the door. i can see Richie through the openings on sides of the door. my hand trembles a bit, but i slide the lock open. i come face to face with the boy who caused me to lock myself in the bathroom stall.

"What's wrong Eds? Why are you upset?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know! You just called me gay in front of all our friends!" I scream. i begin to wonder if the rest of the losers are listening, pressed up against the bathroom door.

"You mean when i said the fact that Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 is on your mixtape is gay? You know i was joking! Shit Eddie, why do you take everything so seriously?" Richie clapped back.

"Fuck you, Richie." i say with a small voice. i look at my feet. i cant bring myself to look him in the eyes. "So much for 'best friends.'" 

"Eds. I- I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"Just leave me alone Richie. You'll never get it. You never do." I squeak out. I start to head towards the door so i can just walk away from the whole situation. His hand reaches out and grabs mine. I feel my heart stop.

"Eddie. Please just tell me whats wrong. You've been acting so off lately. I'm really worried about you. i just don't say that shit cause... you know how i am." he looks in my eyes sympathetically. i don't hold the eye contact long, my attention was on our hands. Hes still holding my hand.

"Richie, I uhm. I don''t know"

"Yes, you do. I can tell when you're lying." Shit this kid is so sly.

"Its really nothing. You don't have to worried." I lie through my teeth. 

He pulls me closer to him. My breath hitches.

"Eddie, you can tell me anything. So when i ask you this, please just answer with the truth." His voice is deep and low, yet not quite a whisper. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and parts his lips to talk again. "Do you like me? Like, more than a best friend."

My cheeks heat up and I fight off the urge to take a puff of my inhaler as my throat starts to tighten. 

"No!  Why would I? I'm not g- I'm not gay."  

"Eddie," he whispers

"Richie, I'm serious. I'm not ga-" With that, he cut me off abruptly with his lips on mine. I melt into the kiss, tangling my hands in his beautiful curls. I've fantasized about this moment since we were in elementary school. 

"I'm not gay either. But shit Eds I don't think i can choose girls over boys when there are boys out there that look like you."

I don't fight the urge to get my inhaler this time. I take a puff of the foul tasting liquid that I'd become so accustomed to. Richie lets out a little chuckle and squeezes my hand in his.

"I really like you Eddie."

"I really like you too, Trashmouth," I smile.

We stan Reddie in this household. Thank you and goodnight.
The Author <3

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