{henry} 2

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6 months. it's been 6 months since i left derry. 6 months since i left all i've ever known. 6 months since i said goodbye to henry. thinking about our goodbye shatters my heart into a million pieces.

i stare longingly out the window of my car, headphones plugged into my walkman, playing my favorite mixtape. i watch the world fly past me through the window and i take a moment to address how much i probably missed.

what if henry moved on?
would he?
i dont know.

are all the boys still friends?

did patrick burn his damn house down by now?

thoughts race through my brain as we pass a sign that sends off multiple emotions inside of me;

Welcome to Derry

my heart nearly pounds out of my chest as we drive into town. i feel a sense of saftey and comfort as we drive pass familiar houses. i take in a deep breath and let out a loud sigh.
im home.

my mom pulls into our driveway and i get all giddy. i yank the headphones out of my ear and stop the walkman. i swing open the door and hop out, stretching my legs and grabbing my bags.

i run into my house and take off upstairs, to my room. i throw myself on my bed and set my bags on the floor next to me. i breathe in the scent of my room as my mother walks in.

"you can go out to see your friends, but you have to be back at 6" she tells me. i check my watch and its only 4 o'clock.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, MOM" i squeal out, hugging her tightly. i grab my keys and run down the stairs and out the door.

i start walking towards Henry's house, stopping at the pharmacy to grab a coke. my heart does little flips as i get closer to his house. my stomach fills with more and more butterflies, shooting anxiety through my veins.

i stood infront of his door and slowly reached for the doorbell. i knew his father wouldnt be home at this time, he would be on duty. when no one answered, i traveled to the back of the house. i hear bickering and laughing slowly growing louder as i reach the back of the house. my heart stops for a moment as i realize what im about to do. i hear them all. each voice so familiar.
belch. victor. patrick. henry.
i repeat their names in my head as if i could ever forget them.

i finally reach the back of the house and stop. they dont see me.

"Sup, assholes?" i call out, and all of their heads turn in my direction

"HOLY SHIT" patrick screams, running towards me, picking me up, and squeezing me tightly. he might be a fucking psycho, but he's like a brother to me.

"IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH" belch tells me before pulling in for a quick hug.

"i was starting to think you'd left us for good, but you never fail to surprise my ass" vic speaks to me calmly, hugging me lightly.

behind victor, henry just stands there in pure shock. his lips were parted slightly and his eyes looked me up and down, as if he thought i was fake. i run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"i told you i would come back" i whisper into his ear. his hands find their way to my hips and pull me close to him. tears flood his eyes as he buries his head into my shoulder.

"you've been gone forever" he whispers back.

"it was only 6 months, Bowers" i laugh, shakily.

"6 months of fucking torture." he complained.

"you better not fucking leave me ever again, you fucking asshole" he smiles at me.

i press my forehead against his before leaning in, to kiss him. the kiss wasnt like the one we shared before i left. this one was hard but loving. in that moment nothing mattered. not the boys that were watching us. not my 6 month disappearance. not anything.

i pulled away and looked into his deep blue eyes. they were full of joy and love. for the first time he felt completely surrounded by happiness.

"get a room!" patrick shouts at us. i look over at him and chuckle before we all start talking as if nothing happened. everything was back to normal, but better.

henry wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled close to him, placing a kiss on my head. i smiled and got comfortable.

life couldn't be any better.
this is shitty but i wanted to make a part two for the henry chapter.
i hope it wasnt too shitty
the author

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